Chapter 18

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Gray was sitting at one of the tables in the guildhall. Yesterday was the Hanami Festival, and just like every year, Natsu was not there, however, he also noticed that Nashi wasn't there either. He figured she was with Natsu, which made a lot of sense because of all the time they were spending together. Gray clasped his hands together and leaned on the table top, deep in thought.

So Nashi is Natsu's daughter, he thought, what are the odds?

Since making that connection, one other question had been plaguing the Ice mage's mind. Who was her mother?

Could it be Lucy? Nashi is eight years old and Lucy left nine years ago, so it's possible. Could that be why she left all those years ago?

The gears in Gray's mind continued to move as a familiar white haired Take-Over mage strolled over to him. Gray didn't glance at her when she was standing next to him.

"Hey Gray, have you seen Nashi?" she asked.

"No," he said, shooting her a curious glance, "why?"

Lisanna placed her hands on her hips, "I didn't see her at the picnic yesterday and neither has anyone else. Someone should have been watching her." Gray unclasped his hands and repositioned himself in front of Lisanna.

"Did it occur to you that she was with Natsu, like she was supposed to?" His comment gained the attention of a few guild members. Erza, Wendy, Juvia, and even Gajeel approached the table, awaiting Lisanna's answer. A nervous chuckle came from the woman's lips.

"That's impossible Gray, why would Natsu bring Nashi with him during the Hanami Festival, he won't even bring me and I'm his girlfriend."

"You never know Lisanna," said Erza, taking a bite from her scrumptious strawberry shortcake, "those two have gotten extremely close these last few days."

"Well, that doesn't mean anything," said Lisanna abruptly, "She's just a child, and when we find her mother, we'll never see her again." The Iron Dragon Slayer's "Gihi" startled the group.

"Sounds like someone is jealous," he said, folding his arms across his chest. Lisanna made a sputtering sound.

"That's ridiculous Gajeel. Why would I be jealous of-" Lisanna's sentence was interrupted when the guild doors were kicked open. The group's eyes fell on Nashi who was sitting proudly on Natsu's shoulders. Gray watched out of the corner of his eyes as a furious blush appeared on Lisanna's face.

"Hello Minna!" the two cheered as they strolled into the guildhall. Natsu smiled as he lifted the child off of his shoulders and onto one of the bar stools. Mirajane placed a small glass of orange juice in front of her that she took with no hesitation. Seeing the girl satisfied, Natsu walked over to his small group of friends who were staring at him with knowing smiles.

"Yo everyone, what are you all staring at?" he asked, hands on his hips. Wendy giggled and placed a hand on Natsu's shoulder.

"We were admiring how cute you and Nashi-san are."

Erza nodded, "You two have such a wonderful relationship. You two are such good friends." Gajeel leaned in closer to Gray and whispered to him, "More like father and daughter." Gray sucked in a breath, trying not to laugh at him.

"So, where was Nashi yesterday Natsu? We didn't see her at the picnic yesterday?" asked Wendy.

"Me and Nashi headed over to my special place." He said. Many of them were astounded by his answer. This was certainly a first. He received positive feedback from all of them, well, almost all of them.

"You took her with you?" Lisanna growled slightly. The group was shocked by her change from her regular attitude. Natsu raised a brow in confusion.

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