Chapter 10

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Natsu kicked a small pebble as he and Happy were heading to the guild. His head was in the clouds as he thought about his partner, Lucy. It had been two weeks since the guild had defeated the demons of Tartaros and Natsu hadn't seen Lucy since that party the guild had to celebrate their victory, but even then, he barely remembered it. He missed her deeply.

He had never felt this way about any one before. Lucy was always on his mind and he could never stop thinking about her. He admired everything about her: her beauty, her intelligence, and even if she didn't see it, her strength. A tender smile graced Natsu's face as he thought about his Celestial Spirit mage. He could hear Happy giggling next to him and turned to the blue exceed flying beside him.

"What are you laughing about?" he asked scrunching his eyebrows.

"You're making this really weird face," Happy chuckled, "your starting to become a bigger weirdo than Lushi!" Natsu laughed along with his friend.

"Happy, no one can be a bigger weirdo than Luce."

"Aye, Sir!" Happy cheered. Natsu pushed the new guild doors open as him and Happy finally arrived at the guildhall.

"Hey everyone!" Natsu yelled. He got a few replies as he neared the bar. He took a seat beside his friend slash rival, Gray Fullbuster. Gray was talking with Mirajane about the new renovations to the guildhall.

"Mira, are there any job requests yet," he asked leaning in closer to the white haired bar maid.

"There should be a few. Were you thinking of going on a mission with Lucy," Mira asked, a smirk on her face. Natsu being the dense idiot he was, didn't understand what she was trying to imply and just told her no.

"I was just going to take a solo mission. Lucy is still locked up in her house." Gray had heard everything the two had been talking about and grumbled.

"She's probably tired of seeing that stupid face of yours everyday." Natsu glared at him, banging his forehead against Gray's.

"Are you trying to start a fight Droopy eyes?" Gray pushed Natsu back with his forehead with the same amount of force "Only if you think you can beat me for once Squinty eyes." Mira could tell where this was heading and pushed to two boys apart.

"Guys, Erza is in the guildhall." Upon hearing the Titania's name, the two of them let they're built up anger drop and returned to their own business. Mira turned to the pink haired dragon slayer.

"Natsu, there is some stuff in storage I was wondering if you could move. Elfman hasn't come in yet." Natsu nodded, standing from his seat and walking to the guilds storage room. He found the things Mira was talking about and moved them to their proper locations. When he finished, he was about to leave when he found someone else standing in the storage room's doorframe. It was Lisanna, Natsu's childhood friend. She looked extremely nervous as Natsu observed her fiddling with her orange shirt.

"Yo Lisanna, what's up?" he asked, giving her his famous fanged smile. He could hear Lisanna gulp and wondered if something was wrong. Lisanna's eyes fell on the floor in front of her.

"N-Natsu, can I talk to you f-for a m-minute? I-It won't t-take very long." Natsu raised an eyebrow before nodding his head. Lisanna inched a little closer to him, eyes still on the floor.

"So, what did you wanna talk about, and did we have to talk in the storage room?" he asked. He didn't like spending too much time in here; the herbs and spices were messing with his normally acute nose. He couldn't even pick out Lisanna's scent and she was only a few inches away from him.

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