Chapter 11

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Natsu watched as Nashi talked with Gale and Levy. He squinted slightly, trying to concentrate. There was something about this girl that made him feel strange, he couldn't pin point it. Her smile, her laugh, her overall appearance was just too familiar. Her scent was no different; it was so recognizable yet so new at the same time. He could pick up traces of vanilla and some other scent. It was the vanilla that made his thoughts wander, back to a simpler time, a time with her in it.


Natsu shook his head.

No, you can't think of her. You're with Lisanna now.

Natsu often thought of the beautiful blonde woman who had once been his partner, even after all these years he could not ignore the love he felt for her, but he knew he had to. As much as he loved Lucy, he had made a choice and he chose Lisanna. He had often thought of breaking up with her like he had originally planned on if it didn't work out, but he couldn't find it in him to break her heart. Even if he didn't return her feelings, she was still his friend and he wanted her to be happy, even if he wasn't. Besides, what would be the point? The love of his life was gone and he would never see her again.

Natsu was startled when a cold hand fell on his shoulder. He turned to find his girlfriend, Lisanna, staring at him worriedly.

"Natsu, are you okay? You've been awfully quiet." Natsu smiled at her, though it did not reach his eyes like it used to.

"Don't worry Lisanna, I've just been thinking about my new job is all." Lisanna shifted uncomfortably. She couldn't lie to herself; she didn't like the idea of Nashi staying with her boyfriend. It was awkward enough that she slept with his clothes on, but now she was staying at his house and he had to watch her twenty four/seven so nothing bad happened to her. Lisanna felt a new feeling rise within her, one she hadn't felt since Lucy. Lisanna ignored it, pushing it into the recesses of her mind.

I am not jealous of that little girl.

"Natsu don't forget, if it becomes a challenge for you, you can always take a break and let someone else in the guild watch her for a little while," said Mirajane who had listened to their conversation. Natsu nodded in agreement. Mira giggled, confusing Lisanna and Natsu. She pointed a finger across the guild.

"You might want to bring Nashi home soon Natsu, she looks like she's getting tired." Natsu watched as Nashi tried to keep her head from falling down and her eyes open. He sighed, standing up from his seat.

"I suppose you're right," he said, heading toward Levy's table. Levy noticed Natsu approaching and shook Nashi's shoulder. Nashi was pulled out of her tiredness when Levy pointed to Natsu.

"Well, it looks like its time for you to be getting to bed," said Levy. Nashi nodded ecstatically, excited to spend some alone time with her father. She might not have been able to tell him the truth, but she was determined to earn his love anyway. Nashi hopped off the bench before turning to Levy and Gale.

"Bye Gale," she said, waving at her new friend who responded the same way.

"See ya later Nashi-chan." Nashi ran over to Natsu's side, beaming with happiness. Natsu wasn't nearly as enthusiastic as Nashi was with this newest development. She reminded him too much of Lucy, the person he was trying to get over, but he couldn't disobey the masters orders, so he would have to cope.

"So, are we going to your house now?" she questioned, looking up at him. Nashi couldn't wait to see what it would be like living with him.

"Yeah, just give me a second," he said in a very dull tone that didn't go unnoticed by Nashi. Her smile faltered, remembering the odd looks he was giving her earlier that day. It hurt her believing he would rather not be responsible for her, more than she thought it would hurt.

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