Chapter 17

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The day was sunny and new. Natsu stretched his arms as he awoke from his deep slumber. Natsu couldn't help but smile as he stared out the window of his room. His team had returned from their little away mission yesterday and everything was just going perfectly, or it was until Natsu got a look at the calendar by his dresser.

The Hanami Festival was today.

Natsu's eye twitched. He grunted as he fell back onto his bed. This day always seemed to bother him. It wasn't necessarily a bad day, it just brought back unwanted memories. He was debating on his next action when he heard the clomping of feet nearing his bedroom. His door was swung opened by an over excited Nashi.

"Natsu!" she cheered, jumping on him when she got close enough. She sat on top of the man, smiling at him joyfully.

"Natsu, I saw a whole bunch of decorations outside! Is there some sort of party happening?" she asked. Natsu readjusted the child so she was now sitting on his lap. After their mission, Natsu could no longer deny how much the child truly meant to him. She was his light in a world that had lost it long ago. Her happiness meant everything to him if it meant she would no longer cry. With that in mind, he was even more determined to rescue her mother. Natsu flashed Nashi a kind smile.

"Today's the Hanami Festival, Nashi." Natsu was surprised to see Nashi's smile disappear. He thought little girls liked flowers.

"What's wrong Nashi?" he asked. The girl rubbed her neck nervously.

"You don't like to go to the festival," she responded. Natsu was surprised by her answer. Did she know about his secret on this day? He always made it a point to make sure he was alone so nobody saw what he had planned. But how the heck could she know, she lived five days away.

"How did you know about that?" The little girl blushed in response, avoiding Natsu's black eyes.

"I sort of overheard you and Lisanna talking about it."

"Wait, what?" he said flabbergasted, his face looking rather ridiculous. Nashi giggled and rubbed her chin with her finger.

"I was actually hiding in one of Auntie Mira's cabinet's the day before you met me and I heard the whole thing," her features softened, "this day meant something to you and Lucy, so you never spend it with anyone."

Natsu let his surprised face fall. He didn't like going to the guild picnic on this day. Since Lucy left, he had planned something special to commemorate how important the Hanami Festival was to them and he would always spend it alone, not even Lisanna was welcome. Today was no different, however, he had Nashi this time and he didn't want her to miss out on the fun with the rest of their guild. He placed a hand on top of Nashi's pink head.

"That's true," he said faintly, "but that doesn't mean you don't have to enjoy it. You can hang with Gale or Otoko. You can still have fun."

Nashi shook Natsu's hand off of her head. She flashed him a happy smile.

"But I don't want that. I want to stay with you, no matter what."

Natsu looked out his window with a downcast expression, "You wouldn't enjoy what I do on this day every year, that's why I spend it by myself."

"I don't care. I want to spend the day with you, Natsu. No matter what it is you do, even if we're going to spend the day inside. I don't want to be with the rest of the guild when I can be with you."

"It's always more fun when we're together!"

Natsu's eyes widened a fraction after hearing her last sentence. Memories of the blonde haired Celestial Maiden filled his mind. Natsu stared at the child sitting on his lap as she just smiled at him.

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