Chapter 26

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"Dragon Force," Natsu whispered. He sat up from Lucy's hold and stared at his daughter in amazement. He had never seen someone so young pull off something this intense, Wendy didn't unlock her Dragon Force until she was twelve.

Some of the mages watched the sight in awe or shock. Carla shuddered at the sight.

My vision, it's coming true.

Shinzō trudged out of the now empty containment unit, blood soaking his garments and skin. He glared at the child with malice in his eyes. With one swift motion, he caused the blood surrounding him to bolt toward Nashi. Lucy called out to her daughter in fear. Natsu jumped to his feet and made a beeline for her. Using her newfound power, Nashi dodged the oncoming attack with ease. Fire consumed her fist as she glared at the man who tore her family apart.

"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" Flames flew from her small fists at the vial man. Using the blood beside him, he was able to block most of the attack. While Nashi was trying to hit him, Shinzō sent another wave of blood at her. Her eyes expanded as it came closer to her. She wouldn't have enough time to dodge that one.

"Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!"

The blood from Shinzō's attack went off in all directions, but not one drop hit Nashi. She marveled at her father who had protected her. She gasped at the red scales that decorated his face and knuckles. Natsu smirked at her over his shoulder.

"You really think I was going to let you do this on your own? I learned how to pull off Dragon Force at will ages ago." Nashi flashed her father a fanged smile before both of them made a mad dash at their opponent, fists on fire.

Magic bullets went shooting in all directions as the Twins tried hitting any of the Fairy Tail mages, but they were too fast for them. Erza watched them from a distance, formulating a plan. She gazed at the Sky Dragon Slayer who was fending off some oncoming men.


"Right Erza-san!" She called back. Taking her attention off the men near her, Wendy summoned at much power as she could.

"Sky Dragon's Wave Wind!" From underneath the Twins sprouted a large tornado, knocking away their weapons and sending them into the air.

"Gajeel!" Erza called out to the black haired man. He nodded his head in understanding and jumped high into the air.

"Requip: Black Wing Armor," Erza yelled, her regular armor transforming into black armor with bat like wings on the back. She flew at top speeds into the torndo, Gajeel flying through the top end. The twins hugged each other desperately, not prepared for their impending doom.

"Moon Flash!"

"Iron Dragon's Sword!"

Upon hitting their targets, Gajeel and Erza landed gracefully onto the floor below, the twins crashing down defeated not long after.

Gray scanned his surrounding angrily. He could feel her magic, but he couldn't see her, and he wasn't leaving until he got his revenge. Feeling a chill behind him, Gray jumped to the side, dodging the shadow arrows that would have penetrated his back. He glanced very his shoulder at the woman materializing from a shadow.

"Aww, were you waiting for me?" she asked playfully. Gray quickly smashed his fists together.

"Ice Make Geyser!" Ice shot up from the ground beneath Shade. She quickly jumped to the side, almost being hit by his attack, although, she didn't look too worried.

"Don't you ever get tired of chasing after women who clearly aren't interested in you," she muttered, Juvia however gawked in the distance.

"I underestimated you last time and it cost me my niece," he growled, slamming his fists together again, a gust of cold wind rushing through the room, "And I'm not making the same mistake. I'm not leaving until I take you out!"

Thank you, NashiWhere stories live. Discover now