Chapter 8

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Nashi's eyes bolted open once the morning sun's rays hit her face. That was the worst part of mornings for her. She would have to tell Mira to get curtains when she decided to redecorate her bedroom. Nashi sat up in Mira's bed, stretching her arms wide to relieve her tired limps. Nashi lazily hopped out of bed and sluggishly walked to the bedroom door.

She creaked the door open, afraid to wake either of the girls that were still asleep, only to spot both of them in the kitchen working on breakfast. It smelt like waffles and strawberries and Nashi grew anxious. Waffles were one of her favorite breakfast foods, that and a breakfast burrito with Tabasco sauce. Nashi opened the door farther, walking into the open. Lisanna was the first to spot her and greeted her with a smile. Nashi didn't say anything, still feeling uncomfortable with being so close to her daddy's girlfriend. Mira soon saw Nashi and gave her a cheerful good morning.

"Good morning Auntie Mira," Nashi replied with a smile. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Lisanna mouth an "Auntie Mira?" to her sister. Mirajane just waved her off.

"Nashi, I put your clothes on the couch if you wanted to get dressed. I washed them last night after you went to bed." Nashi thanked her before walking to the couch where her outfit sat on the arm. She quickly excused herself and ran to the bathroom. After the door closed, Lisanna shot her sister a strange look.

"Is it just me, or does Nashi not like me?" Mira chucked and went back to mixing the waffle batter.

"Oh Lisanna, I'm sure she's just a bit nervous being around you." Lisanna pointed her hand, which held a mixing spoon in it, toward the direction Nashi ran off to.

"She's known me for almost the same amount of time as she's known you and she's already calling you Auntie Mira. I swear that child has something against me." Mira sighed.

"What could Nashi possibly have against you?" Lisanna shrugged not knowing that answer herself. A few minutes later, Nashi came running out with the outfit she had worn for the last few days on, only the ribbon she normally had in her hair was now clutched in her small fist.

"Auntie Mira, can you tie this in my hair for me," she asked with big, pleading eyes. Mira nodded and placed the mixing bowl on the kitchen counter. Nashi handed the salmon ribbon and turned around so Mira could tie it in her hair. Mira grabbed a few stands from both sides of her head and tied them back with the ribbon.

"There you go sweetie," Nashi thanked her and went over to the kitchen table. She waited patiently as Lisanna and Mirajane finished making the waffles. When they were done, Mira placed a plate of waffles in front of her while Lisanna put some strawberries off to the side. Nashi thanked them before digging into her food. The syrup was so sweet and sticky in her mouth; she couldn't help but smile as she ate. The three girls didn't talk much like they did the night before; they just simply enjoyed their meal. As they finished, Mira took up the plates and went to wash them.

"I'm going to clean these up. After I'm done, we can head over to the guild." Lisanna and Nashi understood and went their separate ways. After Mira had finished, she called the two girls, telling them to get ready to leave. Lisanna and Nashi met Mira by the front door. Once Nashi had slipped her lime green backpack onto her shoulders, the three of them exited the dorm and headed to the guildhall.

Nashi held onto Mira's hand like the other day was they walked along the cobblestone roads. There were very few people out this early, making the town seem even bigger to Nashi than it did when it first arrived.

"How come you two go to the guild so early?" Nashi asked, looking up at Mira expectantly, however it was Lisanna that answered.

"All the people at the guild take job requests to get money, but Mira-nee works at the bar instead. We come early so she can set up."

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