Chapter 23

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Nobody made any sudden movements. They simply watched to see how their two friends would handle seeing each other after nine years. Nashi began to grow impatient by her parent's lack of response. She decided to break the ice.


Natsu snapped out of his daze and turned his attention to his daughter. He could see Lucy stiffen from the corner of his eyes. He figured Nashi had not told her that he knew. Natsu kneeled to Nashi's level as she ran up and hugged him. He held her close as he rubbed the back of her hair.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" he asked. Nashi shook her head.

"I'm okay," she whispered, "I knew you would save me and Mommy." Natsu smiled softly. He turned his gaze up to the blonde who was staring at them in pure shock. He could hear Lucy's heartbeat increasing. Erza twitched uncomfortably due to the awkwardness in the room.

"Why don't we leave the three of them for a few minutes," she said, grabbing Happy by the tail, pulling him with her. Aside from Happy's struggling, nobody argued with her as they all walked out of the cell, leaving Natsu, Lucy, and Nashi all alone. After everyone had left, Natsu released Nashi, rising from his crouching position. He could see Lucy clutching her pants nervously. Nashi stood off to the side, waiting for her parents to say something.

Lucy let out an uneasy breath, "It's been a while Natsu," she said quietly. An uneasy smile crept onto Natsu's face.

"Yeah, it has. You look different."

"You too."

The awkward atmosphere didn't take long to return. Natsu rubbed the back of his head while a nervous sweat trickled down Lucy's face. Nashi sat down on the floor, feeling that this was going to take a while. Lucy took a deep breath.

"So, you know about Nashi?" she asked uncomfortably.

"You mean that she's my daughter? Yes, I know." He said with a hint of frustration in his tone.

Lucy laughed humorlessly, " I told her not to say anything. I guess she couldn't keep it a secret. It's understandable."

Natsu shook his head, "Nashi didn't tell me. Gray figured it out by himself and told me. Nashi had nothing to do with it."

"I suppose it is kind of obvious. Pink hair, fangs…"

"She can use Dragon Slayer magic too."

That last one didn't surprise her, Nashi did burn a kid a few hours before she was kidnapped. Lucy's brown eyes fell on the floor. Now that she had started the conversation, she knew topics she didn't want to discuss would be spoken of. Oh how much she just wanted to curl in a corner to avoid Natsu's eyes.

"I just want to understand one thing Lucy," he started, "Everyone tells me the same thing, but I want to hear it from you. Why?" he said, desperation in his voice. Lucy couldn't ring herself to meet his eyes. She clutched her right arm uncomfortably.

"Why would you leave? Why would you keep this from me?" asked Natsu. He had to know the truth behind it.

"I was there," Lucy hesitated, "I was there when Lisanna confessed to you."

Natsu stiffened. How had he not noticed? It was then that he remembered the conditions he was in when Lisanna confessed. The storage room was filled with all different spices, he couldn't even smell Lisanna and she was right in front of him. His attention was back on Lucy when her voice began to tremble.

"I was going to tell you Natsu," she whispered, "I really was. I was going to tell you everything, about Nashi, about my… feelings for you," a blush appeared on her cheeks, "But then she beat me to the punch. I couldn't face you after that."

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