Chapter 4

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A shattering sound echoed through the late night. Nashi stared up at the window she had just chucked a rock at. As much as she wanted to save her mother and find her father, she had absolutely no idea where the Fairy Tail guild was, but she knew someone who did. Nashi smiled as her best friend angrily appeared through the broken window, not pleased to see Nashi in the slightest.

"What is your problem?" Mai whisper yelled at Nashi down below, "Nashi, it is 10:30! My parents are still awake! Could this not wait until tomorrow?"

Nashi shook her head, "There's no time. Quickly, send down the sheet rope you made." Mai left the window; Nashi could hear her grumbling furiously about how ridiculous she was. After about a minute, a make shift rope made out of blankets came tumbling out the shattered window. Nashi held it firmly in her hands. She scurried up the rope, hoping she didn't wake Mai's parents with all the grunting she was doing. Upon reaching the windowsill, Mai helped Nashi pull herself in. Nashi took a few staggered breaths, trying to regain herself, as Mai glared at her.

"Alright, what's the deal Nashi? Your mother is going to be worried sick if you don't get home soon." Nashi wanted to cry after hearing her friend speak of her mother as if she hadn't been kidnapped a few hours ago. Holding back her tears, Nashi took a seat on Mai's bed as Mai followed suit.

"Mai, have you ever heard the name Lucy Heartfilia?"

Mai was surprised by her friend's question. She talked about famous mages all the time and while Nashi listened to her, she never seemed all that interested. Mai thought for a moment, trying to remember who was the person Nashi was asking about.

"Lucy Heartfilia was once a Celestial Spirit mage from Fairy Tail, however she disappeared from the guild before we were born." That made sense to Nashi, plus, if someone wanted to disappear, Kuni Village was secluded enough to grant that wish. Nashi fiddled with her fingers as she tried to find a way to tell Mai the startling news.

"Mai, my mommy is Lucy Heartfilia."

Nashi watched as Mai's eyes grew larger than her head. Mai began to stutter.

"B-But, your mom's last name is Ashley and-and Lucy Heartfilia has a pink guild mark on her hand and your mom is always..."

"...Wearing that white glove."


"HOLY CRAP YOUR MOTHER IS LUCY HEARTFILI-" Nashi clamped a hand over her friend's mouth. Nashi waited patiently for Mai to regain herself. When Mai's breathing had slowed, Nashi released her hand.

"Your mother is Lucy Heartfilia?" Mai whispered. Nashi nodded her head while Mai bobbed up and down excitedly. It's not everyday your best friend's mother is a famous wizard. Suddenly, Mai stopped, realization striking her, "And why couldn't this wait until tomorrow at school?" Nashi cast her eyes to her lap.

"My Mommy," Nashi sucked up a breath, "My Mommy was kidnapped."

The room was utterly silent. Nashi tilted her head up to see if Mai believed her or not, instead she was met with an unreadable expression.

"You're joking, right?"

Nashi shook her head. Mai propped her elbows on her lap and leaned into her hands, thinking about the situation. Nashi sat quietly, waiting to hear Mai's input.

"Why didn't you call the police?" In truth, Nashi had thought about that on her way to Mai's house, but the likely hood of the police being able to do anything seemed remote.

"I thought about that, but if the men that kidnapped my mommy were strong enough to take a wizard of Fairy Tail, do you really think the police will be able to do much. Besides, Mommy said that one of the men was really powerful."

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