Chapter 7

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"Oh! Why hello there."

Nashi was too petrified to move, or even think clearly. Hesitantly, she looked over her shoulder at the person who had located her hiding spot. Her eyes widened at the sight of her.

She's SO pretty!

The woman crouching in front of the cabinet opening had sparkling blue eyes and long white hair, holding her bangs up was a little pink bow. The woman wore a light pink dress with white ruffles on the border. She was smiling happily as Nashi took in the sight of her.

"How long have you been in here?" the woman asked. The woman seemed nice enough, but Nashi was too nervous to speak. The woman sensed her stress and giggled.

"I'm sorry, you must be frightened. My name is Mirajane, what's your name?" Nashi recalled hearing someone named Mira before and figured she had to be the same person, she did have her overly friendly voice. Nashi whispered her name to Mira, hoping she heard her unfortunately she did not.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"


"Nashi?" Mira repeated. Mirajane flashed her a lovely smile, "That's a pretty name." Nashi twisted around fully to face Mirajane, however, she did not exit her hiding spot.

"How long have you been hiding in here Nashi?" Mirajane was answered by Nashi's growling stomach. Nashi blushed while Mirajane's giggle rang through the empty guildhall.

"I suppose long enough to be hungry. You really should get home Nashi. Your parents will be worried sick." Upon mentioning her parents, Nashi felt her gloomy attitude return. Mira's eyes widened at the sight of the disheartened girl.

"Oh, I see." Mira speculated about the best way to go about this. Mirajane's snapping fingers startled Nashi as she observed Mira stand, her eyes shining brightly.

"How about this. When I'm done cleaning up around here, we can head over to my place for some dinner and you can spend the night, only if you want to." Nashi thought about it for a time. Mira did seem trustworthy, even though she wanted her daddy. But, she did need a place to sleep AND she was offering dinner. Nashi hesitantly nodded her head and Mira clapped her hands together.

"Great. I'll be done in about ten minutes. You can come out of there if you want to." As Mira walked off to finish her duties, Nashi climbed out from her little hiding spot. Stretching her limbs, Nashi had a pretty good view of the rest off the guildhall. It was a lot bigger than she thought. Tables were scattered everywhere. Nashi could see a second floor above her and a pool area out through the window. She continued to admire the guild's interior until Mirajane walked up to her holding a hand out to her.

"Well, I'm all done. You ready to go?" Nashi reluctantly took hold of Mira's hand as she tightened her hold on Nashi's. Mirajane led Nashi toward the exit, not before flipping the light switch by the bar, turning the hall pitch black. Nashi tightened her hold on Mira's hand. Mirajane led Nashi to the doors, carefully so they didn't bump into anything. As Mira opened the doors, Nashi was met with the light of the full moon and the street lamps of Magnolia. If Nashi thought it was pretty in the day, it was even prettier at night. Mira and Nashi strolled down the cobblestone roads of Magnolia in silence. Nashi stared at Mirajane as the two of them made the way to Mira's home.

"Are you a princess," slipped out of Nashi's mouth before she could stop it. Nashi was met with laughter.

"Well no, but I'm flattered to hear that you thought I was," she said smiling brightly. Not long after that comment, Nashi could see a building that looked like an apartment complex, but what stuck out the most was the sign that said "Fairy Hills." Nashi asked Mira what it meant and she smiled.

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