Chapter 22

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A small pebble fell of the Cliffside when Wendy's foot touched it. The blue haired girl shimmied closer to the rocky wall. Nobody paid any mind to her misstep. The rescue team had been traveling for a few hours until they came across a large canyon region. They had tracked the twin's scent from within so they began their climb. They walked quietly along the trail, not daring to make a sound. Natsu suddenly came to a halt in the front. He used his hands to signal forward and the team tiptoed toward some larger rocks. Taking cover behind them, they gazed into the canyon.

On the other side was a sight to behold. It looked almost like a temple had been carved into the side of the canyon's surface. Gray columns climbed up the wall. The windows were pitch black, void of life, however, at the front gate stood two soldiers in black and red armor. Natsu stared at the building with longing, his nose twitching.

"Lucy's in there." He was about to climb out of his hiding spot, forgetting about the patrol. Erza grabbed his scarf, pulling back behind the boulders. She clamped a hand over his mouth before he could say anything.

"I know you want to save them, but we can't just rush in there without a plan," she whispered. The rest of the team nodded in agreement.

"Without her keys or whip, Lucy-san won't be able to fight. And if Nashi-san tries to fight…" Juvia said softly. She didn't have to continue; everyone knew what was at stake. If Nashi tried to use too much magic, she could die. Erza pulled her hand away from Natsu's mouth as the man relaxed beside her. He nodded in reconciliation.

They needed a plan.

Gajeel gazed at the guards from his position, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I only see two, but there could be more not far into the compound, and I picked up another scent in there."

"Us too," said Wendy, referring to her and Natsu, "It smells like blood in there. A lot of it." Even the non Dragon Slayers could catch a small whiff of the offending odor coming from the building.

"We need to get in there without drawing too much attention," said the Titania, "We need to grab Nashi and Lucy and find Lucy's keys."

"But how Erza-san?" asked Juvia. Everyone sat in silence, trying to put together a plan of action. Happy rubbed his temples in a thinking manner, though it didn't do much. Pantherlily paced back and forth. Gray rubbed the back of his raven head. The group jumped when the blue haired Dragon Slayer snapped her fingers.

"I have an idea." The group leaned in closer to her.

"The last time Lucy-san was captured, Mira-san disguised herself as one of the guards and took us straight to the holding cells," Wendy pointed at the two guards on duty, "There are two guards right there. We can attack them, take their armor, and sneak through the base undetected."

"And, if they see that a group of Fairy tail mages was captured, it will lull them into a false sense of security, making it easier to sneak out," Lily added. Everyone thought it was a good plan. Erza was whispering commands to the group when Carla's gasp startled them. All eyes fell on the white haired cat. Sweat trickled down her forehead as images flashed through her mind.

Natsu and Lucy fighting.

The Eclipse Gate opening.

Nashi screaming as fire surrounded her.

Natsu and Lucy clutching something as tears fell from their eyes.


Carla was pulled out of her premonition by her boyfriend's small paw on her shoulder, "Are you okay Carla?"

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