Chapter 2

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Leia's P.O.V
I'm sitting in Java Junction when Luke comes up to me. My heart beats really fast.

Yep, Not over him yet, Him sitting with me won't help either.

"Hi," he starts smiling

"Hi," I reply bluntly, for some reason his smile falls.

Luke's P.O.V
Leia seems really down, I want to cheer her up.

"What's up Leia, where is your happiness?" I ask

"Down the drain," She says staring at the table, It kinda makes me down to see her like this.

"Tell me what's up, I can help," I offer but she shoots it down.

"Sorry, It's to personal," She says walking off, I lean my head on my hand.

John's P.O.V
I run into the Junction and head towards Luke.

"Michelle," he guesses but he knows he's right

"Hide me," I reply with

"Of course," He says

Luke's P.O.V
"Hi Luke, Have you seen John?" She asks

"Sorry Michelle," I answer

"Luke can I ask you something?" She questions

"Sure, What's going on?"

"Is it stupid I like John?" She says

"Why do you think it is?"

"It's just we never talk and he's always running away,"

"That's John though,"

Michelle's P.O.V
Riley and I decided to go to the park to practice some flips and acro moves.
I'm doing and back handspring when I fall into a hole

"Ahh," I scream

Riley's P.O.V
"Michelle," I call down the hole, No answer.
Maybe that means she's hurt.
What should I do? My initial reaction is to find James.

Leia's P.O.V
Maggie and I are just walking through a park

"How's getting over Luke going?" she asks

"Not well," I answer

Suddenly I feel myself falling into a hole, Maggie is to.

Luke's P.O.V
"Can you feel the love," We chorus when someone runs in. It's Riley and she's puffed out.

"Riley Hun, calm down," James says rushing over to her

" Mich-Michelle," She puffs

"Where's Michelle?" John says alarmed

"Wewerepracticingdancemoveswhenshefelldownahole," She says way to fast, I don't even understand what she said.

"Riley slower," James says calming her down by putting his hand on her forehead

"Just follow me," She says running off

I look at Theo and he shrugs we all follow Riley.

Leia's P.O.V
I rub my head and call

"Maggie," I'm in the park and the hole's gone.

"Leia, Maggie," Someone says, I turn to see Michelle

"Where are we?" I ask

" I don't know," Maggie and Michelle say in sync.

Theo's P.O.V
We are led by Riley to a hole in the middle of a park.

"Why are we near a hole?" John asks

"I'll show you what happened,"

Riley does a back handspring and pretends to fall in the hole.

"So Michelle fell in there?" I ask

"Spot on," she answers

"What do we do?" Luke asks

"I'm going down there," Riley says getting out a torch.

Maggie's P.O.V
We are walking back to lost and found but when we arrive it's not there, It's just Java

Junction extended and there's still the next step.

"Guys, Did we stumble in the future?" Leia asks

"That's impossible," I state

"Where's Lost and Found then?" Leia questions

"We're in the future," We all say in sync.

"What year?" Michelle asks

This guy passes by, I tap his shoulder, He turns, never seen him before

"Excuse me," I say

"Yes," He answers

"What year is it?"

"2030,"He answers walking off

We are all shocked.

John's P.O.V
Riley jumps, Is she trying to kill herself?

"Riley," James calls jumping in

Theo shrugs "Looks like fun," He says jumping in

"Theo's logic is flawless though," Luke says taking a jump

"For Michelle," I mumble following

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