Chapter 5

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Luke's P.O.V
Laurel in 2 minutes comes running back excited.

"So...." Theo asks

"Well...." Laurel begins but is rudely cut off by Theo

"Are we?" He asks

"I was about to tell you." She answers

"Well you....." She's interrupted by Theo again

"Man the suspense is killing me," He states

"Stop interrupting!" Leia yells out in frustration which causes us all to chuckle

"So... " Theo's about to say something but I cover his mouth, Leia smiles at me and I smile back.

"There cool with it, we're having a dinner tomorrow night with other people and if you want to stay you have to join," She tells us

"Are there sandwiches?" John asks hopeful

"Yes," She answers

"We're in," We say in sync.

"Great," Laurel say excitedly jumping up and down while also clapping "Boys you are sharing rooms and girls you are sharing a room, our butler will prepare it for you right away,"

"You have a butler!?" Maggie asks her shocked

"Yes," She answers

"Awesome," Riley and Michelle chorus

Theo's P.O.V
"Hey Laurel," I say walking up to her.

She hasn't memorised any of our names

"Yes," She answers

"Where's your kitchen?" I ask

"Why? Your not going to trash it are you?"

"No," I say

"Alright it's downstairs so take the stairs and then you go straight and take a right, You can't miss it, But if you're dumb enough to then just ask someone,"

"Thanks, Hey! I'm not dumb," I say standing my ground

"I didn't say you were," She says

"Yes you did!" I say getting defensive

"It was a joke," She tells me

Maggie's P.O.V
I open their fridge and expect there to be wine, beer and some other fancy drinks, but there's just water

Theo joins me

"Hey Maggie," He greets

"Sup Theo," I respond smiling widely, Wow I've never smiled this wide when Luke's around.Weird

"Man, where are all the fancy drinks, I thought this fridges would be stacked with wine or whatever rich people drink,"

"Oh my Gosh same, that's the exact thought I had,"

" Twinsies," He says tying to sound like a girly girl which makes me laugh

Riley's P.O.V
"Riley," Leia starts lying on her bed

"Yes," I answer

"I need some advice,"

"Doctor Riles in the house," She says " I can't be a doctor but I don't know what else to call myself so let's just roll with it," She says

"How do I get over Luke?" She questions

Leia's P.O.V
"Maybe liking him and not being able to get over in two years is telling you something," She states

"Maybe your right, But I layer Maggie right in his arms," I sigh regretting what I did to save my friendship with Maggie

"It's Okay, Because if he's the right boy for you he'll be there,"

"Thanks Riley," I thank her while giving her a side hug

"No problems, I'll send out the bill," She jokes while we are still hugging and laughing


John's P.O.V
I stare at Michelle jumping into there pool which is massive.

My feeling for her are growing stronger than ever before.

"John," She says coming out of the pool, she looks so sexy, Her bikini is really working for her, The bottoms hug her curves perfectly.

"Yes," I reply

"Join me," She offers

"No can do," I tell her

"Why?" She whines

"I don't like swimming," I say

"Okay how about I get dried of and we can dance,"

"Again I'm going to have to decline," I answer

"Are you serious," She grumbles

"I'm dead serious," I state

James' P.O,V
Luke and I found an arcade room, and it's sick. We're playing a game of pool.

I win the match

"Yes," I say fist pumping the air, Luke laughs

"Fair game," He says shaking my hand

" So fair, I'm so glad I beat you," I rub in

"Are you done?" Luke says

"What's happening Bro,"

"Leia makes me feel all these weird emotions," Luke whispers

"Doctor James is in the house," I say sitting down parting for him to sit " Talk to me,"

"Leia, She's making me feel something,"

"I think you have an idea," I say

I can't tell Luke how he feels, he needs to figure that out for himself on his own, I just hope he can, I f he can't I know Leia will be broken

Luke's P.O.V
"Your right,I'm exaggerating I just feel weird because we're friends,"

I know now but a part of me believes that's not right but I don't believe that part of me.

Leia and I are just friends.

Leia's P.O.V
As Luke says that I can feel my hope and faith I had sinking.

I built up all this confidence and he doesn't like me back.

I should get over this now.

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