Chapter 11

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Laurel's P.O.V
When I open it I see Michelle, John and Hillary, Hillary and I instantly hug as they all enter the house.

Michelle and John pass us to meet Marisa, Liberty, Larry, Tyler, Mikayla, Josh, Rikki and Jacob.

"Hey," Hilary starts smiling

"Hello," I respond

"Cute outfit," She comments pointing out my outfit

"Thanks," I bluff

"What is that lipstick? I love it," I comment while also asking

"Mac Russian Red," She reminds me

"Oh nice," I say

"Where's the outfit from?" Hilary questions

"Forever 21," I answer

(Younger) Michelle's P.O.V
It feels really weird seeing my future self , I can't explain how weird it feels, Is this the way Luke and Leia felt when they saw themselves.

They smile at everyone

"Hi," (Older) me greets going to give me a hug, I accept

"I'm Mikayla," I state while still hugging me

"Michelle," She answers but I already knew that.

Am I really hugging myself right now, how is this possible.

(Younger) John's P.O.V
Looking at my future self I'm not going to lie, it doesn't seem real to me at all, I look the same just a little older.

I have a daughter, I haven't met her yet but she just walked in and is talking to Laurel

When he gets to me he shakes my hand and tries to figure out who I am, without thinking I quickly cover it up

"Josh," I greet,

"John" He replies "You look familiar,"

"He did to us to," (Older) Leia says joining them, (Older) Leia gives (Older) Michelle a hug. (Older) Luke walks out shaking hands with his bud

"They're the kids from Mars," (Older) Luke states

"Oh, you must be me from a parallel universe," Older me jokes

"Not exactly," I mumble to myself

"What?" (Older) Michelle asks

"Oh I said that's impossible," I cover up

"Nothings Impossible," Laurel says as her friend Hillary nods

"Man, Mars must of been a drag," Hilary says giving me a look, I give her the same look and she smiles

"It was," (Younger) Michelle says smiling but I can tell she feels a little uncomfortable

Jason's P.O.V
Mom and Dad always tell me to get ready and when I do, I'm always ready before them. Especially mom.

I'm always waiting for them for ages and I can't ride my skateboard since Mum will tell me off because I'll ruin my designer clothes.

Dad comes down the stairs "We are meeting the kids from Mars," He says sitting next to me

"Really!?" I ask pretty surprised at what he had just told me "They must be freaks,"

"Laurel likes them," he says

"They'll be fun," I smile thinking off Laurel

"Laurel, huh?" He asks I blush a little, Speaking of Laurel is the only thing that can make me blush, she's the one, the girl I live, I know what your thinking p, how could I know at such a young age, because I know alright.

"Stop it dad," I say embarrassed

"She a great girl, Just make sure she doesn't cheat on you, or that could be a good thing if it was an accident," He says

"Hold up," I say "Mom cheated on you,"

"Yeah, I cheated on her too," He nods

"What a great relationship," I say sarcastically

Mom enters, "Right lets go,"

(Younger) Michelle's P.O.V
There is a knock on the door, No one is near the door but Laurel jolts up and races to the door to open it.

When she does it's got (older) Theo and (older) Maggie, wait what?

That was an unpredictable couple and a boy who looks really cool to talk to.

"Kelton," He says shaking my ha d, I look over to Hilary because I heard Laurel squeal she's blushing, I look to Kelton who is looking down too, They like each other

Hilary's P.O.V
"There he is," Laurel whispers as I blush like crazy

"Shut up," I shout whisper "I love him and I can't tell him that,"

That causes Laurel to squeal which causes Kelton to look down (Thanks Laurel) and Mikayla to look over at us.

I can't tell that she can tell that Kelton and I like each other a lot.

(Younger) Maggie's P.O.V
On the outside I try to act like I'm surprised Theo and I are married but on the inside I am dying of relief.

Our son is really cute as well, not in that way, in the way the mother brags about her son being adorable.

(Younger) Theo's P.O.V
I feel so good right now, Maggie and I ended up together, but how does this Maggie that I currently know feel.

I beg she's regretting going to the future by the look on her face, she's not happy, there's shock written all over her face and I can see it.

That's When (Older) Jiley enter with their son who I am assuming is Jason.

(Younger) Riley's P.O.V
All the suspense was worth it, James and I did end up as a couple, I knew before when Maggie told me but I wasn't to sure since the future is the future but now that I know what she said was accurate I'm over joyed.

I stare at my skater son, This is what I raised....................He's so cute

(Younger) James' P.O.V
I knew this is what Riley was worried about and now that we know that we are defiantly together it's great.

I stare at our son, He's a skater boy, I don't really mind. The Older version of Riley and I share a look, Not going to lie I dig older Riley's body.

Laurel's P.O.V
As soon as Jason enters him and Kelton are in deep conversation

"Maybe we should go talk to them both," Hilary suggests

"You'll embarrass me," I accuse sure that is what will happen

"No you'll embarrass me, we should just talk to them," Hilary says,

But just as she says that Leia calls out  "Dinner,"

Maybe we'll just have to talk to them after dinner instead of before that's all.

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