Chapter 21

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(Older) Maggie's P.O.V
Just a few minutes after Larry and Liberty leave to talk to each other, the quite old doctor comes out of Kelton's assigned hospital room wearing no emotion on his face whatsoever.

"Anyone here for Kelton Randall?" He questioned, Hillary, Marisa, Tyler, Theo and I rose to our feet the quickest. I have to admit, I've never felt more anxiety in my life. The others stood quick as well but not as fast as us.

I prayed mentally, hoping that this was all caused by a lack of sleep. That it was just tiredness that caused him to faint. It could all be fixed with a nights rest but that wasn't the case. Instead the information about what my son has caught breaks me.

"He has a valve heart disease," The doctor informs us "He needs immediate surgery or he is going to die."

That shatters my heart into a million pieces. Theo worriedly looks towards me, I'm unpredictable at the moment. I need to run, running away from my problems seems so childish but it seems like the only logical explanation at this moment.

I run towards the exit of the building where Larry and Liberty are probably talking. I dodge the costumers and finally arrive outside. My theory is proved when I finally reach the exit and receive quizzical stares from the pair.

Why couldn't God take me instead? Not my baby boy. I've lived. I'm bloody famous, not that Kelton isn't. It's just, Kelton deserves the chance to live his life.

I don't seem to notice my knees buckling and my sudden weakness that mayor caused me to fall the floor if these strong arms hadn't wrapped around my waist to help me. I instantly knew it was, Theo. I attempt to smile at him but it fails. I can't be happy right now. Not even Theo can cheer me up. If Kelton dies I'll blame myself.

"It's okay," Theo consoles, still embracing me "I've got you and I'm not letting you go."

"I don't want to see him leave," I confess, crying into his chest in need of his comfort. Theo may seem like the guy who would give the really croaky advice but he's actually good at it.

"Stay strong," He reassures, kissing the top of my forehead "Have faith. He's strong and he'll get through this."

I'm going to believe Theo even if it's hard. I believe him because I trust in what he's telling me. Kelton has always been strong and I know he'll fight through it.

(Younger) Luke's P.O.V
"What do you think happened?" I asked Leia who's eyes were glued to the scene occurring between (Older) Theo and Maggie.

"I don't know," Leia states, ungluing her eyes from them and then looking at me worriedly "I don't think it's good though."

"I think you're right," I agree

Hillary's P.O.V
"I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry." I repeat in my head and it surprisingly helps. I don't shed a tear, instead I stare at the door of the room Kelton's stashed in. I can just imagine his appearance right now. His body wired with machines like a broken robot being repaired.

I think about what Liberty told me though. Everything happens for a reason. I don't know what the reason is here but I do believe there is one. I'm just going to hope the reason doesn't involve him having to die. I'm going to hope that the possibility of him living overpowers the possibility of him dying. Although if he does die I'll be heartbroken I'll remember Liberty's speech and respect Gods choice. I wonder what he is thinking about?

Kelton's P.O.V
My eyelids fluttered open as I look around the room. It's full of nothingness. It's completely white. A man appears in front of me.

"Hello Kelton," He smiles

"Am I dead?" I immediately question

"Almost," He answers "But I don't think you deserve to. So I'm sending you back."

"Really?" I question, feeling glad that my life isn't over.

"You deserve a life. Hillary, your family and your friends would he broken without you. They need you so you can keep living." He states

"Thank you," I say "But, When will I wake up and why was I dying?"

"You were dying of a valve heart disease but now it'll disappear. The doctors won't have to operate on you. You'll wake up after they find out." He informs "And I need to tell you something."

"What?" I question

"Larry, Liberty, Mikayla, Josh, Marisa, Tyler, Rikki and Jacob are really your parents from the past." He states

"What? Who's my parents?"

"Yours are Marisa and Tyler, Hillary's are Mikayla and Josh, Laurel's are Liberty and Larry and Jason's are Jacob and Rikki. They came form the past and I need you to help them get back." He tells me "Good luck."

"Wait!" I yell, in need of more information of how to help but I see pitch black again. Back to boredom.

(Younger) John's P.O.V
"What happened?" (Younger) Luke curiously asks on behalf of him and his girlfriend who had missed the news when they were making up, more like making out for all we know. They are currently standing next to each other with their hands interlocked with each other's. "We saw Maggie crying into Theo's arms and we assumed it was really bad."

"Kelton's got a valve heart disease," (Younger) Maggie informs the couple, I know she's torn and that's understandable, Kelton is her son in the future. "The only way he can survive is if he gets surgery on his heart."

"That is bad," Leia comments, Luke nods along "Are they going to perform the surgery on him?"

"They have no choice if they don't want him to die," Jason answers

Jason's P.O.V
Kelton is my best friend and I feel really bad for him. I just hope he is strong enough to get through this surgery without slipping out of life.

Laurel's adorable yawn snaps me out of my deep though. I look down at her and smile. We are sitting on the chairs next to each other and I have my arms around hers. I rub my thumb against her arm soothingly and tell her to go to sleep.

"Sleep," I tell her "I'll wake you up when there's news."

"I'll stay up," She says, denying my statement.

"Do it for me," I plead, giving her my puppy dog eyes. Luke snarls at us and walks off somewhere.

"Okay," She finally agrees, nuzzling further in my chest before falling asleep.

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