Chapter 25

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A.N- Ik nothing about engineering. Idek how to spell it properly
Younger) Luke's P.O.V
This is not working. All of us are really horrible at this stuff. We need someone who's good in this area. I don't know anyone who is though.

"We can't do this," I state, summarising what if just thought about in simple words.

"Yeah thanks captain obvious," Michelle says, annoyance evident in her voice.

"You know," Kelton started "We could get Laurel. She's really good at engineering. She's the only girl in our class and she's top student. She's not favoured by the teacher either."

Wow. I'm impressed. Laurel must be an A+ student. Hopefully.

"Are we really going to be able to trust her?" James questions

"I have faith in my future daughter," I defend "Plus, what other option do we have. Soon we will forget too."

"Okay," They agree. It's clear that we have no other choice anyway.

Laurel's P.O.V
I'm currently with my parents because apparently they have some "BIG NEWS!" as it read in the text to spill.

"What is it?" I questioned "What's happening?"

"Your mother is-" There talk with me was interrupted by a really loud beep on my phone signifying a notification.

I was about to grab it but my dad interrupted me "Laurel, Let us finish and then you can check your stupid phone. Plus, this news is really exciting."

I rolled my eyes before signalling for them to go on.

"Okay," My mother continued "I'm pregnant again."

I felt emotionless. A new edition to the family. Do we really need that? Aren't I enough?

"Why?" I disgustedly questioned

"I really don't want to give you the talk," She answers

"No," I state "That's not what I meant. What I meant was why do we need a new baby. Aren't you happy with me?"

"Of course we are honey," She states, sitting next to me and laying her hand on my shoulder but I shrug it off,  unhappy with the news.

"Then why would we need another baby?" I ask, before exiting and checking my phone.

It's from Kelton and it reads 'Come to my house. We'll explain there'

I nodded my head to myself. I certainly don't want to stay here. Do we seriously need a new baby? Do we?
When I got there I found the door wide open and the hose seemed empty. Kelton would probably be in his room. And that he was, also accompanied by Mikayla, Larry and Jacob. They have a ton of motors and materials for engineering on the floor with a big sheet also layer out on the floor which I'm assuming is the instructions to what they are making.

"Whatcha Doing?" I ask, making the, jump a little since even they didn't see me enter.

"Ok," Kelton says, rising from the cross legged stance he was just previously sat in "What I'm about to tell you might sound crazy."

"What is it?" I ask
What they told me was surprising but also understandable. I expected there to be a time traveling incident sometime in human existence. I'm here for it. That's amazing. And it's my parents. That's wicked.

I inspect the instructions. They're surprisingly easy looking and they're exactly what I've learnt to do in class.

"Can you do it?" (Younger) Luke questions

"I can," I tell them "This is actually really easy. You mustn't listen in class Kelton."

"Don't tell anyone," He warningly whispers into my ear "I don't like that class."

"Well, All opinions aside," I admit "I can help you."

(Younger) Michelle's P.O.V
Laurel's nearly finished engineering the motors and then the time machine will be officially finished and we will be able to go back to our normal lives.

"Okay," I say, standing on the table to catch everybody's attention. Laurel's excluded "We will have to go and get everyone. Who's doing that?"

"I'll go," James volunteers, sticking up his hand. I nod to signal I'm okay with that as he picks up his keys and exits to pick up everyone.

I hope everything's going to be okay. I hope.

"Luke," I state, stepping down from the table and walking in his direction "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure," He replies following after me.
"What's Up?" Luke asks, sitting on the living room chair.

"What if John, Leia and Maggie have really forgotten who they are?" I question "What if even when we go back they forget who they really are?"

This actually has me really worried.

"Michelle," Luke states, placing his hand on my shoulder "The book says everything from before will be restored."

"What if we forget what happened here?" I ask, he doesn't reply instead he flicks through the pages of the book to answer my question. Surprisingly, he closes it and shakes his head, informing me he didn't find anything.

Oh no. I'll forget everything that happened here. This is a true mess.

(Younger) Luke's P.O.V
What if Michelle's theory is correct. What if we don't remember what happened here?

That means...I'd never become Leia's boyfriend. She'd still like me from her over 2 year crush but I'd be unaware of my love for her. I don't want to lose her. This is a mess.

I honestly don't know how to answer Michelle. How to comfort her.

"Please say something comforting Luke," Michelle pleads

"I don't know what to say," I answer truthfully "What if we don't remember."

Kelton's P.O.V
"DONE!" Laurel informs, screwing in the last motor and tapping her machine. To my surprise, it doesn't fall apart. I know Laurel is great at this but I had a suspicion something would go wrong. Luckily, nothing did.

"How do you know if it will work?" Luke asks, scanning Laurel achievement.

"I followed exactly what the instructions told me to do," She states "It'll work."

"You sure?" Michelle worriedly questions. I guess she's worried about John.

"I'm positive," She confirms but her facial expression quickly changes and she looks as if she's in deep though. Apparently, I'm not the only one who notices because Luke asks if she okay as well.

Laurel's P.O.V
"Hey, uh." I ask uncertainty defiantly evident in my vocals "Can I talk to you Luke."

"Sure," He answers smiling, he sounds somewhat excited. Great, he better not be the embarrassing type.

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