Chapter 7

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Riley's P.O.V
I wake up to my head throbbing, Wait are we still in the future.

I sit up and see i'm not in my normal spot laying next to James, I'm still in the future. Great

Today's the dinner and we have to dress formally.

I head outside for a jog, there's nothing more refreshing then just running.
I run to a park and accidentally bump into someone. It looks like ALFIE!?

Leia's P.O.V
I stare at that one loose thread on Maggie's shirt and it's honestly annoying me so much.

"Maggie," I say

"Yes," She replies

"There's something bothering me," I tell her

"Is it about Luke?" She questions

"No it's about that loose thread on your shirt," I say

She laughs taking it off.

Riley's P.O.V
"Sorry," The guy that looks a lot like Alfie apologises helping me up

"It's fine," I say

I look at him and I can tell it's him.

Then a little girl runs over to him "Daddy!" She screams running to him he picks her up in her arms

Then this lady walks over and it's........Piper

"I'm really sorry I bumped into you," I apologise stuffing my hands in my pocket

"It's look really familiar" Piper says eyeing me up and down

"Uhh never seen you before," I cover up, Way not to be suspicious Riley.

"Yeah what's your name?" Alfie asks

"Rikki," I state shaking both there hands "so who are you guys?"

"I'm Piper and this is Alfie and the little one here is our daughter Promise,"

"Hi," I say kneeling down to Promise, She looks like a mixture and of Piper and Alfie and it's the cutest.

"Hi," She replies and she's adorable

Michelle's P.O.V
They have a beautiful dance studio according to Riley who used it yesterday

When I get there I hear a song playing and I walk in to see Laurel dancing, she has such a great style it reminds me of Stephanie's lyrical style along with Thalia's.

That reminds me, I wonder who Eldon ended up with and Giselle and what about West?

She finishes dancing her solo and spots me

"That was great," I compliment "But when you do this," I copy her move "how about add this," I say adding onto her dance.

"You dance?" She asks stunned

"Of course," I smile

Maggie's P.O. V
"What if Unicorns exists in the future," Theo predicts

"That would be amazing,"'I comment

"I know right, but-" At that moment I take a sip of my water " not as amazing as the glittery and rainbow themed poop they poop,"

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