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Warm lips trail along my neck, moving from my jawline all the way to my shoulder.
"Mmmmm", I moan groggily, keeping my eyes shut as they move down my arm.
"Hey honey", a deep voice says into my ear. "You gonna wake up?"
My eyelids snap open and I gasp, struggling as a strong arm wraps around my body.
"Where am I?! Who are you?!", I shriek, trying to kick whoever it is is holding onto me. "Let go of me!"
Click. Something cold and metal presses against my forehead.
"I'd stop if I were you, Theresa."
My body stills, not even questioning how he knows my name and I tense up in fear, letting out a quiet whimper.
"Good girl", the stranger says, lifting the barrel of the gun away from my skin. "Now keep still."
I whimper again, nodding my head frantically as I'm released. I hug my arms to my chest, just now realizing that I'm stark naked in a strange bed with a strange man with a gun.
"Please", I beg, tears filling my eyes. "Please just let me go. I don't know who you are, I don't even know what you look like! Please, please, please just let me go!"
"Can't do that, sweetheart", the man replies, and suddenly a dark cloth covers my eyes. "It's okay; I won't hurt you."
"Please." My captor ties a knot at the back of my head and pulls me into a sitting position. I start struggling again, trying to cover my body.
"Ah ah ah", he tsks. "What did I say?" The man tears my arms away from my chest and I feel cord being wrapped around my wrists.
"Please, why am I here?", I plead. "How did I-"
He quickly slaps duct tape over my mouth, silencing me before wrapping cord around my torso and then my ankles before pulling the cloth away from my eyes.
Holy shit. He's cute.
Brown eyes stare into mine, and the man's hand grips my chin, forcing me to look him straight in the eye.
"You don't need to be afraid of me", he says. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. Look, I'll even tell you my name."
"Mmmmhmmmmmhmmhmm." I struggle against him, trying to kick the half naked handsome stranger, who uses one arm to trap my legs to the mattress.
"If you're gonna keep misbehaving, I will force you to stop", he says. "Do you understand?"
I nod my head frantically, shaking, half out of fear, half out of cold.
"My name is Jake", he says. "We're not in America any more. That's all you need to know. Okay?"
I nod again.
"You must be cold", Jake says, almost to himself. "Here." He pulls a blanket around my shoulders. "I'm going to get dressed. I'll let you shower and change afterwards, alright, darling?"
I curl up into a ball, covering my body with the fabric as I watch my captor get up and walk to a closed door opposite of the bed.
As soon as he's gone, I think back to last night, struggling to remember exactly what happened.
"Are you drunk?", the bartender asks, leaning across the counter to wave his hand across my face. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Two", I hiccup, sliding my glass over to him. "Refill please."
"So why are you out here tonight?", the guy asks, doing as I ask.
"My boyfriend cheated on me", I slur. "With a fucking slut."
"Ooh, that one's gotta sting. You'll need something a little stronger", the bartender replies. "Here." He takes my glass and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small plastic bag filled with white powder. The man dumps some of the substance into my cup and slides it towards me.
"What's this?", I ask, somehow still cautious in my drunken state.
"Dont worry; it'll make you feel better."
I take the shot glass and tip my head back, swallowing the contents down my throat, coughing as my lungs burn.
So what's you're name?", the bartender asks.
The next thing I know, I'm stumbling outside with the man's arm around my waist, keeping me upright as he takes us over to his car.
"Where we goin'?", I mumble as he opens the back of the van and lifts me inside.
Just on a little trip."
In our favorite rocket ship", I sing. "Zooming through the sky."
The man cups my chin, looking amused as he replies, "Yes, we will be zooming through the sky, but not in a rocket ship. We're going in our very own helicopter."
I giggle. "Weeee."
He smiles and shuts the door, locking me into darkness.
"Darling, you can open your eyes. I'm not naked."
I squeeze my eyelids shut even tighter, letting out a muffled whimper through the tape.
I listen to his footsteps come closer, curling up into a ball to avoid looking at him.
But Jake just sighs and picks me up, carrying me across the room. I'm set down on what I determine is a tile counter.
I open my eyes cautiously, watching as my captor silently unties me.
"You can take a shower", he says after a moment. "There's clothes on the counter next to you, alright?"
Before I can try to move, the man rips off the duct tape and calmly strolls out of the bathroom, locking the wooden door behind him.
I rub my lips to get rid of the ache before gingerly hopping onto the floor and scurrying into the shower.
I just want to go home.
I turn on the water and close my eyes for a moment, covering my eyes with my hands as I start to cry.
Why in the name of hell am I here? Where am I?
I keep sobbing, resting my forehead against the wall of the shower, crying and crying as I wonder, How am I going to get out of here?

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