Chapter Twenty Two

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"We're not going to cuff you", the detective says for the fifth time, trying to get me onto my feet. "We only cuff criminals."
I'm dangerous. That has to count for something.
I shake my head and he sighs before giving me the pad and pen again.

I'm too dangerous not to.

"You are not dangerous", the man says. "All you need is a little extra help."


"First time anyone has ever asked for me to do that", Brown says with a chuckle. "I'll make you a deal, Miss Moore. I'll let you be in handcuffs until we get in the car, alright?"
I consider, tilting my head as I think about the offer before nodding.


I hold out my arms, letting out my breath as the detective gently clicks the metal around my wrists.
"Will you come with me now?", he asks, holding out his hand. "I'll help you walk."
I nod again and unsteadily rise to my feet, limping beside him as the man takes me over to Agent Sol and Sam.
"We're ready."
"Why'd you put her in handcuffs?", the analyst asks, frowning. "That seems a little extreme."
Detective Brown holds up his hands. "She begged me too", he says defensively. "Right?"
I nod my head, forcing a small smile onto my face.
"We'll meet you there", the agent says. "Sam, you're with me."
"Sir yes sir."
We watch them walk out the door before following, the detective keeping his hand on my arm in case I fall.
"Do you just want me to carry you to the car?", he sighs after I fall for the third time down the front steps. "I can do that if it's this hard to walk."
I shake my head no and press on, but when I lose my balance again, Brown just shrugs and tosses me over his shoulder.
I don't protest, shutting my eyes so I don't have to see the house.
I might never be back ever again.
I sit on an examining table, uncomfortable in the hospital gown as I wait for the doctor, awkwardly fiddling with the fabric while Detective Brown and Agent Sol watch me carefully from the opposite side of the room.
Finally, there's a knock on the wooden door before it opens, and a man with brown hair and dark eyes steps into the room, nodding to the other men before strolling over to me, holding out his hand for me to shake, which I do silently.
"It's nice to meet you, Miss Moore", he says pleasantly, letting go of my fingers. "It's a pleasure."
I nod my head and look over at the detective, who sighs.
"What did you find?", he asks. "What did the electroshock do?"
"It caused severe damage to her memory", the doctor says, turning his back to me. "But there's also something off in the behavior and emotion area of the brain, which explains the 'episodes'."
"We know this already", Brown replies. "Tell us something we don't know, please."
"There is a medication, but taking a look at what has already happened", he continues. "My recommendation is to send Miss Moore to a facility where she can receive more extensive care."
I close my eyes for a moment, biting my lip to keep from crying.
Just call me what I am. Insane.
Agent Sol looks over at me. "We'll leave the decision up to her father for now, at least until something drastic happens."
"I wouldn't postpone this for long", the man says seriously. "This will get worse."
"Thank you, Doctor", Detective Brown breaks in again. "We'll give you a call when the decision is made."
He nods and calmly walks out of the room, my eyes trained on his back, fists so tightly clenched they turn white.
This isn't fair.
The next thing I know, a warm hand touches my shoulder, making my head snap up as I look into Sol's green eyes.
"We'll leave you alone to change", he says gently into my ear. "Just take a few minutes, okay?"
I dip my head in agreement, watching the two men stroll out the door before carefully sliding onto the cold tile floor.
I keep my eyes trained on the floor as I grab my clothes off of the counter.
Just as I'm about to turn around again, a glint of silver catches my eye. I face the shelves again, picking up the sharp tool in my hands, turning it over in my palm, sliding my finger against the edge.
Maybe it'd be better, the little voice whispers. It'll be easy. Just hold it up and slice your throat open. Then we'll see the beautiful red water come out.
I shake my head to clear it, still holding the metal as someone knocks on the door.
Instead of putting it back where I find it, I tuck the weird tool into my pants pocket as it opens, dropping the hospital gown on the floor.
"Ready to go?", the detective asks behind me.
I nod and face him, holding out my arms as the man steps forward until I have to look up into his eyes.
"You are not dangerous", he says with feeling, gently moving my hands back to my sides. "Don't you want to go home?"
I lift my shoulders, then let them drop.
It's not going to be home for much longer. That is, if the other side of me hand something to say about it.
"It doesn't seem like home to you anymore", Brown guesses. "Because you don't remember it."
I nod my head, flicking my gaze over to the wall for a moment, then glancing up into the man's face.
"I'm not going to cuff you."
PLEASE. Please, I'm dangerous.
I hold out my arms once, more, and again, the detective moves them back.
I don't want to be this way any more.

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