Chapter Eleven

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"I got lazy", Jonathon announces, coming back into the bedroom  less than ten minutes later. "I just made sandwiches."
I laugh and reply, "That's okay."
"You shot in a place that does not require you to remain still at all times", he tells me. "I'm going to help you to the dining room. Well, if the pain has ebbed some."
"Yeah actually", I yawn, covering my mouth with one hand. "It has."
"That's good", my father smiles. "This is going to hurt, by the way. Are you ready?"
"Yeah", I grunt, tossing the blanket aside and pushing my body into a sitting position. 
I scoot to the edge of the bed and let him guide my arm around his shoulders, helping me stand up.
"Nope, nope, nope!", I shriek as fire engulfs me. "Bad idea!"
"Shh", Jonathon soothes over my screaming. "Take most of your weight off of your leg and lean it onto me, okay?"
I obey, hissing through my teeth at the pain, blinking away tears as he helps me slowly hobble out of the room.
"Can I take a break now?", I gasp. "I think I'm going to pass out."
"Sure." He lets me lean on the wall, holding me up as I wobble. "Easy there", he murmurs gently. "You're okay."
"You know", I pant. "Its times like this when I have an episode, just to warn you."
"Looks like pain is a trigger for you in that aspect", Jonathon replies. "So what usually happens when you have one?"
"Well last time I tried to kill someone. The time before that I got into the knife drawer, which you should probably install a lock on, and tried to make myself into 'art' apparently. And there was the time when I tried to drown myself in the shower, or the time I almost hung myself."
"Oh." My father falls silent and continues helping me along the hallway. "Anything else I should know?"
"Yeah." I hold up my left hand for him to see the ring still on my finger.
He whistles. "That better be a goddamn engagement ring", the man mutters under my breath.
"Its engagement", I clarify, sighing with relief as soon as we reach the table and set of chairs.  "That too was probably a lie too, as I have no remember of Jake proposing to me."
"How long ago was that?"
"Two years ago." Jonathon helps me ease into the chair before instructing me to elevate my leg on the chair beside me. I nod and do as I'm told, resting my head on the wooden table, the material cold to the touch and freezing me to the bone.
"Do you know how they took you?" I nod my head slowly, my eyes closed as I hear him set a plate next to my head.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head no.
"My head hurts", I mumble. "I'm gonna black out."
"Lift up your head, Theresa", my father says calmly.  I obey and moan, propping my chin up on my elbow as he hands me a glass of water. "Drink all of it", he adds, taking a seat opposite of me.
"Okay." I pick it up and take a sip, sticking out my tongue at the horrible taste. "It tastes weird."
"There's medicine in it", Jonathon explains. "I thought it'd be easier than swallowing a few different pills."
I nod my head and drink the rest before picking up the sandwich.
"Baby?", he asks a minute later, still staring intently at my face. I flick my eyes up at his face. "When was the last time did you eat?"
I pause and hold up two fingers.
"Two days?" I nod again and go back to eating without saying anything.
When I'm finished, I silently slide the plate over to him.
"Do you want more?"
"No thanks. I'm good", I reply quietly. "Can- Can I just go back to sleep?"
"Of course", my father answers, rising to his feet. "I'll just help you to the couch. I'll see if I can get you a wheelchair or crutches tomorrow; I promise."
"Okay." I stand and with his help, slowly limp over to the next room and onto the couch.
Jake slips the headphones over my ears, chuckling as I struggle hopelessly against my bonds, screaming into the gag in panic and anger.
"Don't worry", he says. "It will only hurt for a little while. Then you'll wake up and be loved."
I want shout, "I am loved, you heartless bastard!", but I can't.
There is nothing I can do to escape before this happens. All I can do is accept my fate and hope that I will be strong enough to resist, even though I know I won't be able to.
Tears fill my eyes as the pain fills me, making me thrash around , screaming and screaming.
After around a minute of this unbearable torture, I close my eyes as a single tear rolls down my cheek.
I. Give. In.

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