Chapter Nine

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I run up from behind Jake and tackle him to the ground, trying to wrestle the gun from out of his hands.
"Cease fire!", a man shouts, but I ignore him, pointing the weapon at my ex's face.
"I told you I would kill you", I hiss, cocking it. "And I meant it."
"I wouldn't do that if I were you", the man replies, spitting blood onto the rough cement. "You'd much rather do it to yourself. Do it, make yourself into art. For eternity."
"You first." I'm about to pull the trigger when someone else's gun goes off behind me.
I let out a laugh as the bullet pierces my leg, collapsing onto the ground as I watch the beautiful red water flow out of my calf.
"Do you want more?", Jake whispers in my ear, running his hands up and down my arms. "I can make that happen with one move, Cupcake."
"Watching you become an eternal masterpiece will be enough for me", I say back. "But unfortunately, that's not gonna happen today."
Then I shut my eyes contentedly and lay my head down on the cold ground, smiling as I feel more beautiful, scarlet blood pool around my body.
I need a nap.
A hand rests on top of mine, warm and comforting in my sea of darkness and pain.
I draw in a breath, twitching my fingers as I struggle to get enough strength and energy to open my eyes.
Finally, I manage to open them and turn my head to look at the strangely familiar blonde haired, blue eyed man sitting beside my bed in a chair. He pushes up his glasses nervously, waiting for me to say something, his hand shaking slightly on top of my own.
"You're my dad", I say quietly, blinking. "At least, you sound like him."
"It really is you", Jonathon Moore breathes, blinking furiously to blink away the tears collecting in his eyes. "Oh my God."
I manage a small smile before asking, "What happened?"
My father raises an eyebrow. "You don't remember?"
I shake my head. "The last thing I remember is falling and twisting my ankle."
He sighs and squeezes my hand comfortingly. "You- uh- you ran back and tackled one of those men to the ground and took his gun. Probably would have pulled the trigger if his partner hadn't shot you. The FBI isn't sure if you blacked out after that, or just went to sleep."
I nod and shut my eyes, trying not to cry.
"Baby, how can you not remember?"
"He called them episodes", I say softly. "When I would do something and wake up, not remembering what happened. I get...dangerous when that happens."
"Is that how you got the cuts covering almost your entire body?"
I open my eyes and hold up one freshly bandaged hand, studying it for a minute before nodding.
"He left me alone", I whisper. "I flashed, and when I snapped out of it, something was broken. I cleaned up the mess, but the sharp pieces sliced my hand. And the next thing I knew, I was waking up in bed with those marks."
"Sometimes I see what I've figured out are my memories", I explain, looking at the opposite wall. "They flash in my mind's eye."
"Oh." Jonathon reaches over and wipes a tear off of my cheek with his thumb. "You don't have to be afraid anymore", he says gently. "We're going to take care of you, Baby, I promise."
"I remember the little things", I say shakily. "I have a sister that has mostly been a bitch to me, my mother is dead, and I broke up with my boyfriend, who cheated on me with a slut."
He frowns. "About your sister", the man says, rubbing my skin with his fingers. "She's probably not going to be very pleased to see you."
"That's okay. I survived this", I say weakly, "I think I can survive a-"
The door swings open, just my vision gets clouded with a different scene.
A girl with dark brown hair, her back to me, talking to a younger version of my father, obviously angry about something as I sit in a chair, reading a book.
I'm pretty sure the girl is seven or eight. I look younger than her, at least five or six.
"Why do I have to play with her?", the girl shouts, stamping her foot in anger. "She's stupid and weird!"
"Don't talk that way about your sister, Kylie", Jonathon scolds tiredly, glancing at me. "It isn't very nice."
I sigh and close my book, hopping up and padding over to them.
"It's okay, Daddy", I say, smiling up at him. "I'm okay with being alone."

My eyelids snap open and I see the girl, only she's not a girl anymore, but a young woman.
"-don't know her anymore! For all we know she's an axe murderer!", she snaps at Jonathon, glaring at him with fiery brown eyes.
"I'm not", I break in awkwardly. "I haven't been out of a house in.." I trail off, looking to my father for help.
"Almost three years", he finishes for me. "And Kylie, be nice to her for once. You don't know-"
"I don't care what you've been through!", my sister shouts at me. "No matter what, you'll always be a stupid bitch!"
I look up at her, tilting my head. "I have no reason to fight with you", I say slowly. "If I was stupid before, I'm sorry. Your insults can't bother me, and for once I'm actually glad I have almost no memory of you."
"What?!" Her look of anger is quickly wiped away, replaced with confusion at my response.
"I don't remember you", I say calmly. "And I think you should leave. People who hurt me always get hurt when I have an episode. I don't want that to be you."
With a huff, Kylie whirls around and storms out, slamming the door behind her.
I wince as I lay back, letting out a sigh of relief.
"That was amazing", my father says, smiling. "I'm proud of you."
I nod my head before closing my eyes.
"Thank you", I whisper.

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