Chapter Nineteen

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"Open the door!", Jonathon yells from the hallway. "Now, Theresa!"
I ignore him and sit cross- legged on the bed before picking up the book from where I left it, turning to the marked page as my father pounds on the locked door.
"Theresa Marigold Moore, open this goddamn door!"
"Dad, she doesn't want anyone near her", Kylie's voice breaks in. "It's been a long day. We can leave her food out here, and if she's hungry she can come get it. Let's just give her a little alone time."
Another pound.
"Dad! Leave her be!"
"Baby, please", he begs to me. "Please."
I look around the room, my eyes landing on the desk just across the room. Carefully, I make my way over and scribble on a piece of paper an answer.

It's better this way.

Then I limp over to the door and slide the sheet underneath, sitting down on the carpet to wait.
"It is not better this way", Jonathon says. "Please."
The paper comes back and I write an answer.

Call a doctor. Tell them I need a mental exam.

"I'm not going to do that", he says urgently a moment later. "You aren't crazy."

I'm dangerous. This needs to end. It's the only way. I think you're afraid that I'm right. You don't want me to leave you. Kylie was right; I do need help.

I shove it out again.
"I'm not afraid that you are. I'm scared that you won't get the answer you're looking for."
He slides the paper back in to me, but I crumple it up and hobble back to bed, swallowing down whimpers of pain.
I crawl underneath the covers and look up at the ceiling.
Jake kisses my forehead, then frowns.
"What?", I ask sleepily, lifting up my head for a moment. "What's wrong?"
"You have a fever", he says. "It's not bad, but after the crash, I think it'd be better for you to stay here in bed for the day."
"No. I'm fine." I half sit up, but Jake gently pushes me back down onto the pillow. "Jake, please. I want to get up."
"You aren't well", he protests. "Go back to sleep. I'll make breakfast, and you can enjoy it in bed."
"I want to get up."
"No", the man replies. "You can't. You're sick."
I run a finger down his bare arm and say, "It won't kill me. I'm fine, I promise."
He leans over and kisses me.
"I love you so much", Jake murmurs against my lips as he continues to kiss me. "But you are not convincing me. You have a fever."
"But I feel fine", I argue. "If I start to actually feel sick, I'll go to sleep again."
"Thats not good enough for me", he replies. "I just want to keep you safe. Please let me, Darling."
I smile sleepily and squeeze his hand.
When the world outside the window gets dark, I slowly open the door and grab the plate before retreating back into the bedroom.
I sit down cross- legged on the bed, quietly putting spaghetti into my mouth with the fork.
When I'm finished, I set the plate on the nightstand and roll onto my stomach, covering myself with the comforter as something hits the window.
I sit up straight, my gaze unblinking as I stare at the glass, my body tense and on high alert.
A minute passes. Nothing happens.
I sigh in relief, laying down and letting my body relax as my head rests against the pillow again.
A rock hits the floor along with shards of the window with a thud, and as soon as I see it, I jump off of the mattress and half limp, half run to the door.
My fingers fumble with the lock as I hear another noise behind me.
When the lock clicks, so does something else right behind my head as a hand goes over my mouth.
"I wouldn't do anything if I were you", a familiar voice says into my ear. "Now turn around slowly."
I swallow a lump of fear and obey, stepping around to face the intruder, pressing my back against the door.
"You've caused quite a lot of trouble, Theresa", Zack says. "Looks like it's time to clean up the mess."

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