Chapter Twenty Six

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"Patty cake patty cake. Bakers man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can. Roll it. Pat it. Get out the knife. Put it in the oven. Gotta hide the body", the woman sings under her breath, clapping her hands against the wall, smiling.
"What's your name?", I ask, watching her.
"Morona. Guess what it means." She continues to slap the wall, singing under her breath.
"I didn't know names have meanings", I confess. "But what does it mean?"
"Death." Morona laughs. "Someone called me a moron once to make fun of me. Nobody has found the body yet."
"What does my name mean?"
"Uncertain", she says immediately before starting to sing again. "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. A killer was waiting on the ground and with a bang, there was no need to put Humpty back together again."
"What are you singing?"
Morona grins. "The holy songs. They'll guide your way."
I nod my head.
That makes sense.
Kill. Kill. Kill.
"What are you two doing?", a man's voice asks behind us. "Group therapy started ten minutes ago."
I let out a laugh, resting my head on Morona's shoulder, who tips her head back to see the red haired, brown-eyed nurse leaning over us, who's expression is filled with annoyance.
"Get up, you two", he snaps, grabbing my arm and yanking me to my feet.
Pain shoots up my leg, and I smile, glancing over at my new friend, who grins, as if knowing exactly what I'm thinking.
Let's do this, the voice says with excitement, as if jumping for joy inside my brain.
Morona tackles him from the ground, wrapping her arms around his knees as he tumbles towards the ground, causing him to smack his head on the wall.
"I don't like you, Sebastian", she cackles. "Your name means 'vulnerable', but I hope you aren't. It'll make this so much more fun."
I drop down to the floor, my fist striking the man's eye, the, his chest, his stomach, nose, over and over until my knuckles are covered in blood, making me shriek with happiness.
"My turn", Morona whines, shoving me aside. "He's a pain in the ass."
I lay across Sebastian's legs, licking the red water off of my hands, reveling at the sweet metallic taste while I listen to my new friend pound her fists against the nurse's skin.
Someone shouts something from the end of the hallway, but we don't listen, continuing to punch the man while he groans with pain.
A strong arm wraps around my waist, pulling me back to my feet while someone does the same for Morona, dragging us away from Sebastian, ignoring our screams of protest.
"I need more!", I shout, kicking my legs as the person holding onto me lifts me off of the ground. "He's not a masterpiece!"
"Yummy, yummy, blood in our tummy", my friend chants back. "So sweet and rich, I promise I'm not a witch!"
"WANT MORE!", I scream, thrashing around in the air. "I NEED IT!"
The next thing I know, Morona and I are sitting on the floor of a nearly empty room, consisting of only rows and rows of white things made of strong cotton, and the three nurses shifting through the hangers of them.
"What are those?", I whisper into her ear.
She grins. "The reward."
One of the nurses comes back, holding one of the 'rewards', gesturing for Morona to get to her feet, which she does immediately, smiling.
A man comes to me before I can see what the reward is for and I stand up, not protesting as he wraps the cotton around my torso, gently, making me cross my arms over my chest before buckling the fabric ends together tightly.
"You two have been bad girls", the third nurse says scoldingly as we sit back down, our backs against the wall as she glares down at us. "Bad girls get punished."
"No", Morona says brightly. "We get rewarded."
"Yeah", I chime in. "It's fun."
We giggle and she frowns, then sighs.
"How about this", the woman says, her tone changing as she kneels down in front of us. "We'll give you another reward, you'll have a nice little nap and wake up feeling much better. That sound good?"
"Yes!", I squeal happily, bouncing on the tile floor. "More, more, more!"
She smiles and reaches into her pocket, pulling out a syringe filled with a cloudy liquid. My grin grows wider as the needle slides into my neck.
For a moment, nothing happens.
Then, an inescapable tiredness washes over my body, and immediately, I shut my eyes, giving in to the urge of sleep.
I like this reward.

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