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I grabbed the popcorn out of the microwave and started cooling it off. Karkat plopped down on the couch in the awesome room, grabbing the remote. I grabbed the remote back from him so I could choose what to watch, then proceeded to sit down next to him with the popcorn between us.

I clicked on to Netflix and started up Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure. I laughed at Karkat's loud groan, taking joy from his suffering. Back when we were little I loved to watch movies that he hated, just because it was so hilarious to see him go in mini-rants after every little detail.

Directly after the intro song, he began complaining. To shut him up, I stuffed popcorn in his mouth. He was taken aback, which made me laugh. He started begrudgingly chewing the popcorn, and my laughter got even harder. He threw popcorn at me, and I just opened my mouth at tried to catch it. When it hit me in the eye, I heard a giggle from Karkat.

"Gasp! Did you just laugh!" I exclaimed, pointing at him while laughter still exploded from me.

"What? It was a chuckle!" He shrugged.

"Karkat is capable of showing emotion!" I cheered, pretending to be proud of this achievement. He cracked a smile at my ironic sarcasm, and I kissed his cheek. Karkat's face turned as red as a cherry, which made me laugh even worse than I already was.

The newly embarrassed Karkat merely turned around and buried his face into the couch cushion. I leaned over and laid down next to him, but he turned away. I laughed at his almost tsundere actions, even though I knew he probably didn't like me.

By the time the movie was over, Karkat had leaned on me and fallen asleep. I decided to play the romantic part and share my blanket with him. He snuggled into me in his sleep, wrapping his arms around my waist. I blushed badly at his gentle touch. I'm glad he can't see me since he's asleep.

I awkwardly wrapped an arm around him, too. We snuggled into each other, and I had to admit I enjoyed this. With all the moving around, I didn't really get the chance to experience much romance. "I love you," I whispered, kissing him on the cheek once more before drifting to sleep as well.

When I woke up, Karkat was already gone. I immediately sat up, wondering where he went. I quickly found him eating some eggs in the kitchen with my grandma, who was feeding her eggs to the cats.

I walked into the kitchen, seeing a third plate of eggs for me to eat. I sat down and began eating, savoring my grandma's delicious cooking. "I know I shouldn't be, but I'm already attached to these little kittens," Grandma said out of nowhere, petting the black cat on top of its head.

The white cat waddled over to me, and I started petting it while I was eating. "Can't say I blame you. I've always loved animals," I smiled, "I could never choose dogs over cats, it's a trick question."

"Cats are best, no doubt about it!" Karkat teasingly hit my shoulder. The cats nodded as if to agree with him.

"I suppose I might be a bit of a cat person," Grandma smiled as the black cat rubbed against her and purred.

"I wasn't going to say anything, but we're both missing school," Karkat said, looking at me. I gasped, having completely forgotten about the torture chamber known as school.

"Crap! What time is it!?" I frantically looked around the room.

"It's already noon, I won't make you go. Plus I've already told Karkat's mom. She's fine with you staying as long as I come up with an excuse to tell your principal. That Hussie sure is an odd one," she said, rambling to herself. I sent Karkat a smile and, once I was done with my food I told him to come upstairs to my room with me.

I sat down on my bed, and he sat down right next to me. "You know, what I said the day before you left... even if we were just kids, I don't regret saying it. In fact, I still believe you are the most beautiful, strong, independent woman I know, inside and outside," Karkat said in one big, nervous breath. I felt another tear slowly make its way down my face, remembering his words from so long ago, remembering his small voice and his wide eyes. That single moment was plastered in my mind as one of the happiest and saddest times I'd ever experienced. Happy, because it was the time I truly realized my love for Karkat. Sad, because it was the day when I'd leave him forever.

"I love you, (Y/N)," he had said.

He leaned in towards me, placing his hands on the soft bed on both sides of me. I shut my eyes tight and braced myself like I was about to be hit with a bomb. "Karkat! (Y/N)! Get down here immediately!" I heard my grandma's voice come from downstairs.

Karkat panicked and ran off to see what Grandma had to say. I breathed a sigh of relief, letting out air I didn't realize I had been holding in.

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