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((*gsap* people are actually commenting on my things? WoA thank ya'll so much I'm so happy and ahhHhH))

"So, hey," I heard a deep voice say. I had ran out of the store and had found a small bench near a park to sit at auietly. It was nice to see the park, where kids played having fun and teens sat talking. Some people were jogging, an there was a couple strolling and holding hands. One had a pink scarf, and the other was a man with a very fancy hat.

I suddenly missed Karkat. I wanted him to be here with me, hanging out with me and for us to have some ridiculous argument about a romcom he had us watch and then end with a nice kiss of either agreement or to end an argument for good. I wanted his warm hand around mine, his sweater sleeves brushing against my arm. I wanted to stare into his bright brown eyes and play with his messy, fluffy, black hair. It would feel a lot better than kissing Dave.

I finally glanced up at the voice who was talking to me. It was Dave's older brother, Bro. He moved to sit down next to me, swiftly resting his rear on the wooden boards. He leaned back, doing that thing guys do where they lay their hands and arms over the whole back of the bench. I tried to move away from his hand, but I didn't want to seem rude so I sat still in the Awkward Zone.

"I'm sorry about what Dave did," Bro spoke suddenly. I blushed and looked away.

"It's isn't your fault," I said quietly.

"Maybe not, but I think it is. I always taught Dave to do things like that. To 'get the girl as fast as you can.' But that's not right. Plus, I don't know what it is, but I can tell you're a good dudette," Bro smirked, looking into the sky. I smiled at him.

"Do you think you could take me home? I don't really want to be here anymore," I asked. He looked at me with the most sincere look I could read without seeing his eyes, and flipped out his phone to tell Dave where we were. I thanked him and made my way to his car. Arriving home, I was met with the white kitten jumping in one arm and the black kitten jumping in the next. It was hard to carry them both at the same time, but I managed.

I heard Grandma's laughter from upstairs, and checked to see what it was.

Dave was there, as well. As soon as Grandma saw me come up to the upstairs living room, she froze. Her eyes were immediately filled with pity, and she walked quickly past me down to the kitchen. I looked at Dave, who also seemed more serious now. I began to fidget where I stood. Dave said nothing, and I was trying to avoid looking him straight in the shades. He just kept staring at me, though, so I took a seat in front of him. "Dave-"

"No, [Y/N], I'm the one who needs to say something. What I did was way wrong and I definitely should have asked for your consent. I am so sorry,"

"Dave, I was going to say-"

"[Y/N], I don't expect your forgiveness. I just want you to know how I feel," he interrupted me again.

"Dave! Holy crap shut up for a minute and listen to me! Please! I forgive you. I guess I can't understand but if I were to put myself in your place, you thought it was a good idea. I suppose it's understandable. I just need you to see that I want a little time away from you for right now because I don't know if I can handle constantly being around both you and Karkat," I said, all in one big breath.

It took Dave a minute to process what I had said. He remained silent and slowly nodded. He made a movement to hug me, but stopped himself when I accidentally flinched. Then, he gave me an obviously forced smirk and turned, leaving. I felt bad, but was also happy that I had taken care of that.

Listening {Karkat X Reader X Dave}Where stories live. Discover now