~ N I N E ~

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247 Reads?! Thank y'all so much! That's almost 250! I'm so honored that I've been writing only since - what was it, 4 months? Somewhere around there! I'm so happy, I love and enjoy all of you who have read this far and still bother listening to my  goofy rambles. Sorry this update took so long, whoops. Ciao!


After Dave had left, I had spent my time sitting on my bed and staring into the wall like I was waiting for it to grow legs and walk away. The door opened and shut loudly, so I decided to slowly walk out of my room and do something finally. "Grandma!" I screamed, indicating a hello.

"Incorrect!" I heard Karkat's voice from down the stairs, causing me to chuckle lightly. We met in the middle of the stairs, hugging together. We were like the couples you see in facebook videos, reunited after one partner spent years in the war. I sort of fell on him, but his warm embrace was as satisfying as always. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he followed my example, doing the same.

"I gotta tell you somethin'," I said quietly, pulling away from the hug and tugging the charcoal haired boy to the couch in the awesome room. I flopped down on the couch and pulled Karkat down with me. He put an arm around me and I cuddled into his side, which entangled us. He looked at me with a serious gaze and I told him the story of what happened with Dave. His expression got more worried as I went on. Once I was finished, he gave me a squeeze of the hand and hugged me tighter. I couldn't help but feel lots better. I pecked his lips gently, savoring the moment and showing him my sign of gratitude. He grabbed my face, and even though that notion had been rough, his following kiss was soft and smooth. He licked my lower lip, and seeing as I was tired, I allowed him entry. He explored my mouth for a bit, but after a while he pulled back. He softly kissed each of my closed eyelids and snuggled into me. I was sure he realized I was tired, and he was allowing me to rest.

"Do you like Dave back? At all?" He whispered softly. His warm touch was like a blanket and his soft breaths were like a lullaby. In my half conscious state, I quietly whispered out three words that I wished were lies.

"I don't know."

The next day I awoke to bright sunlight caressing my body. I sat up and stretched. Looking around, I realized I was somehow moved to my room in the middle of the night. Karkat wasn't there, either, so I assumed he had carried me to my bed and went home. I decided to text him and make sure he was all right. 

Did you make it home okay? I sent. Quickly after that, I received a disturbing response. 

I'm still right here.

I inhaled a panicked breath and looked behind me. Karkat was nowhere to be seen. I spun my head back to my phone to make sure I read his text right, but then he was suddenly there in front of me. I gasped and shuffled backward on the bed. I released a shaky chuckle. "How'd you get there? Was that a prank? It was a good one," I spoke. I looked at him hopefully, but he maintained an expressionless face. A shiver ran down my back.

"Okay... Funny joke. You can stop now," I squeaked. He took a slow step toward me. I sprinted past him and into the upstairs living room as quickly as I could. When I got to the stairs, I was stopped by Dave who was acting the same way as Karkat. I didn't really know why I was so terrified, but I screamed. Dave grabbed by wrist and he seemed to be staring into my soul past his shades. Another hand gripped my opposite wrist, and i spun around to see Karkat was right behind me. I let out a scream and then...

I woke up. There was sweat dripping down my face and arms. I had a blanket wrapped around me, and I was holding onto someone's arm with a death grip. I let go of the arm and gasped, recognizing it as Karkat's. He held a concerned and hurt expression. "Are you... okay?" I breathed, realizing that I had somehow ran out of breath.

"I'm fine. Are you okay? I woke up when you grabbed my arm. You were sweating, and then you screamed," he explained, rubbing his arm. I nodded to reassure him I was fine, and grabbed a hold of his hand. I examined his arm and saw that I had dug my nails so deep into his arm in my sleep that he was bleeding lots. he had been holding his arm on his shirt, so it wasn't on the couch, but he needed treatment.

"Holy crap! Look how bad you're bleeding!" I took in a shaky breath. Talking seemed to run me out of air quickly. "Let me grab you a bandage. I'll be right back."

I slowly arose  from the couch. I took a mere two steps forward before I felt weak. My body felt heavier than usual, and I was going lightheaded. I tried to lean on what appeared to be a nearby wall, but it turned out the wall was not quite so nearby. I fell over and became a shivering pile of sweat and dizziness. I felt like I would throw up. "Oh, God! [Y/N]" Karkat shouted, running over to me. I felt both Karkat's blood and tears drip on my neck before I fell directly back to sleep.

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