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To my surprise, I was not, as was thought, being casually dropped off at my grandma's house to continue my normal life but still communicate with Dave, Karkat, and the others. Instead, I was being snuck back to the hospital so that the doctors would find me cured in my room and send me home. I was feeling anxious to go back to the hospital, even though I knew it was necessary.

I hated the hospital room after the year I had spent in it, and I also generally hated hospitals before. They're like birthing grounds for gross germs and sickness. It's also where a lot of dying and hurting people go, which gives the whole building a very creepy, sad, and unfortunate vibe. So I was clearly dreading to go back.

Not much happened at the hospital, Aside from a new nurse rushing in to see me and being blown away after looking hard into my files yet finding me perfectly healed up in a night. The doctors said they'd keep me at the hospital for a few days to make sure I was okay, but they'd release me if I showed no signs of getting worse.

Later that night, when I was staring out the window, mentally reliving the moment I was rescued, I saw a figure creep into my view. I yelped and grabbed the covers, blinking a few times to see of my eyes were playing tricks on me. It appeared that the silhouette was messing with my window's lock, so I held completely still until I heard a small click. I jumped up out of the bed and, with heavy breaths, I sprinted to the door. I slammed it open right when I heard the window slide up quickly.

I was running as fast as I could away from the window creep and down the halls. I took a look back at it, and I could see in the hospital's dim light that they were wearing a forest green mask in the shape of a skull with bright red circles on the cheeks. Judging by their figure, they seemed to be more masculine. I saw him catching up to me and realized that he had long, built legs that were assisting him.

I was doing a good job and was almost to the lobby when I suddenly felt something catch my foot. I threw my hands and free foot forward to catch myself but when it landed, a sharp pain coursed through my ankle and I flew forward and fell anyway. I screamed as loud as I could, but I was out of breath and it didn't last long. The man grabbed my neck and shoved a miniature syringe into my shoulder and released whatever liquid was in there into my body. I suddenly felt very drowsy again and was only able to hear when the door was burst open and see a glimpse of a little crowd of doctors, nurses, and other staff rush in to see what the commotion was. I was able to feel as the grip was released from my neck and I felt cold as the body left me and also the room.

((Suuuuuuper sorry the chapter was so short idk what else I'm supposed to put in it b y e))

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