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The next morning, I followed the same routine I had the first day with Grandma. However, she had made me pancakes with chocolate chips, saying she was filling me up with sweets so I could be that much sweeter to Karkat. I ran out of the house a blushing mess after her comment, and made it to school in time with the redness drained from my face.

To start off the day, I went to my locker a few minutes before classes. Thankfully, this school's lockers were tall and had plenty of shelves so I could stay organized. Karkat came to his locker as well with school breakfast in his hands. He shoved a bag of apple slices in his locker, which was super neat, and grabbed some books. Before he could get away, I kissed him on his cheek. Dave arrived just as Karkat left.

"Heya, (Y/N)," he said casually.

"Hi," I glanced at him. He was doing the usual cool kid pose, with one hand on the locker and his legs crossed while leaning towards the locker.

"Want to meet up with me after school? There's this huge anime con my bro's dragging me along to. He usually leaves me behind, so it'd be chill if you came," he asked.

"Sure! Anime is the bomb," I smiled cheekily.

"Just promise not to run to the full-body Levi pillows like Bro does," Dave said. I laughed, but Dave seemed completely serious.

School passed like normal. I called Grandma as she was about to leave for her work, which is apparently gardening for her friend, but she gets paid a good amount because they garden on a massive field. Anyway, Grandma said it would be fine if I went to the convention with Dave as long as we had adult supervision. I told her Dave's older brother would be there, but chose not to go into detail about what Dave had told me.

After school, I put things in my locker and was quickly greeted by Dave and Karkat. Dave told me to follow him, so I gave Karkat a goodbye hug. He probably thought it was unnoticeable at the time, but I could easily tell that Karkat was jealous. It was written all over his face. I made sure Dave was looking then kissed Karkat quick and hard on the lips. I winked at him and he looked relieved.

"So... you ready?" Dave asked. I nodded excitedly.

"To the con!!"

Listening {Karkat X Reader X Dave}Where stories live. Discover now