~SEVEN -- (Late)Valentine's Day~

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After school, Dave and I got into his older brother's car together. Dave and I were sat in the back seat of a pickup, while Dave's older brother sat up front, obviously driving. At first, there was an awkward silence. I felt like Dave's brother was just sort of... Staring at me. I decided to break the silence.

"So... what's your name? Dave hasn't even told me," I nervously laughed.

"Dirk. And Dave completely forgot to mention that he was bringing a girl," Dirk said, and it seemed like he glared back at Dave.

"It's not exactly like you watch what I'm doing anyway. I could fuck a naked old lady in public and you would notice it like you notice the fucking mess you call our house," Dave snapped back. I internally sighed and facepalmed at the tension in the pickup.

"Well... what do you want to go see at the con, guys?" I asked. Lightening the mood was never my strong suit.

"I was going to check out the anime section," Dirk said, smoothing out his spiky hair.

"It's ALL anime, retarded jellyfish," Dave rolled his eyes.

"My point exactly," Dirk said. I couldn't help but giggle. Imagining his pointy shades doing the anime style flashing with his words. I hadn't noticed, but Dave's tension eased with the sound of my soft laugh. His hand brushed against mine, and I couldn't help but blush.

Could I like Dave?

I was in a relationship! No way! Or maybe it's okay to like someone and also be in a relationship? I don't know! I have a con to focus on, I can save these emotions for a better time.

Once we got there, Dirk almost immediately left us. Dave sighed but turned to me. "What do you say we ditch this place? There's a neat cafe across the street and I have some money. It'll be like a date," he said, pointing to a neat looking building with a sign that said "Gracie's" I nodded and smiled.

While we were walking, Dave took my hand in his. Stuck in my thoughts, the world seemed to slow. His warm, surprisingly smooth hand felt just right cupping my small one. His touch sent shivers down my spine that I tried my best to hide, but probably failed. I stared at his face and noticed his jaws that were always clenched, hiding the boy from expressing anything. His pink lips looked so soft yet also very defined. He had a little bit of meat on him but it fit him perfectly and made him that much more attractive.

Of course, half of my mind was screaming at me to ignore these thoughts and remember Karkat. I needed to be a loyal girlfriend and I intended to. I yanked my hand back and Dave opened his mouth to question me, but shut it anyway. I looked down, worried he would think I didn't like him, even as a friend.

Once we got to the cafe, we sat down at a small table for two in the corner. There was a cute sign in the middle of out table that had a swirly number 5 on it. I noticed every table had a number on it, but it wasn't all that big or busy like McDonald's. There were When our waitress delivered us our menus, I asked her. "Why are there numbers on the tables?"

"They're for a competition we're holding. Any couple, Straight, lesbian, gay, whatever. They all come in and sit at a table with a number and if your number gets drawn, then you have to go up on the stage and kiss. Actually, we're doing the drawings in a few minutes!" The waitress explained excitedly. I glanced at Dave and saw a hint of a smirk on his face, but I could only blush. I wished I could shove my blush away, but I knew that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

"Hey, Dave, let's seats switch," I stuttered, "Er, I mean, switch seats." I groaned internally at my vocal failure. I mess up words when I'm nervous, and it always gives it away. It's as if my mind is like, 'she's nervous, let's make it obvious to everyone!' Ugh.

"Nah. I like it right here. Great view of the street," he smirked a little wider. I wanted to move, but I didn't want to sit alone. Plus, then Dave would be in the drawings all by himself, and, unless he's already found a way, I don't think he'll be kissing himself anytime soon.

"Dave-" I was interrupted by the shouts of people up on the stage. Oh biy, the drawings are already starting. What happens if we get picked? What are the chances we get picked? The man announcing the kissing drawing or whatever was droning on and on, mostly advertising his own restaurant, so I pulled out my phone. Looking around, I saw there were 18 other seats with numbers that were taken. A pulled out my phone and did the math. Yes! There's only about a 6% chance of our table being drawn.

"And now we shall begin the drawing. Today our business founder himself will be drawing! Drumroll, please, Kelly!" The guy shouted. He was extremely enthusiastic for having to yell at people to kiss, honestly. The founder walked over all serious-like and unexcitedly pulled out a little card kind of like in the hunger games. He unfolded it, and glanced at it before looking back up with his tired eyes. The announcer hurried to hold a microphone up to the founder's mouth.

"Table number 5," he said in a monotone voice. Everyone started clapping, and I was about to clap along when I realized what that meant. Dave stood up, walking up the stage like he didn't mind being in the spotlight at all. I nervously tumbled after him, and was immediately worried about how I looked. I had just gotten out of school, I probably looked awful!

"Make out!" Some puberty-ridden boy's voice screeched through the crowd. Suddenly the people were inspired to start chanting his words. Oh jeez, aren't I in a relationship? With someone else? I internally groaned.

Dave suddenly swooped in and planted his lips on mine. I was surprised, and gasped. Dave took the opportunity and slipped his tongue into my mouth, taking no time at all to explore every region. I was frozen from the sudden action and hadn't moved, but I really wanted to scream and run away. Dave's arm wrapping around my waist kicked in enough adrenaline to get out of there. I willed myself to pull away, gasping for breath.

The only thing I saw was Dave's hurt expression before I turned and sprinted out of the store.

Listening {Karkat X Reader X Dave}Where stories live. Discover now