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Dave and I clung to each other as we were slowly pulled up. I could feel my face getting warm from the position we were in, but I looked down to hide it. I had no idea why, since I had felt so careless before, but I was actually fearing how high up we had gotten. Perhaps there really was something to live for, whether I knew it or not.

We were finally pulled over the top when I saw Karkat and Terezi sweating and panting. "Guys?" I looked at them in disbelief. I couldn't believe they all cared enough to save me.

"Y/n! Oh my gog!" Karkat rushed to my and wrapped me in a hug quicker than I could say 'hi.' I hugged him back desperately, since it had felt like a while since I saw him somewhere besides on a stiff bed in a bland room or in a terrifying nightmare.

Sadly, my legs started shaking and I ruined the hug by nearly knocking us over, until Dave assisted and held us up. "We have to get going if we want to make it to the lab before it everyone else," Terezi smirked, sniffling and smirking competitively.

"It's not a race to get finished, stupid," Karkat began walking past her slowly, with me leaning on his shoulder. I grabbed hold of his arm and he looked at me with pity, which would have made me upset if I didn't know that's the normal humane reaction to someone who looked as awful as I probably did.

"No! We gotta be fast! Someone pick her up before the blind girl does!" Terezi snickered. I couldn't help but chuckle a little, too. She was so cool, not letting her blindness stop her from being awesome as heck.

Anyway, Dave quickly scooped me into his arms. Terezi ran off first, trying to get in the lead. Karkat coughed awkwardly, looking at his best friend and his girlfriend (me) in a very close position. He gave Dave a "don't touch her" look and ran off after Terezi.

The blond male holding me said nothing, but quickly sprinted after the other two. From the quick movement and the bouncing from close building to next close building, I had to cling to his chest in one of those awkward but cute anime positions. I honestly probably looked stupid but I held on anyway, resting my head on his big shoulder.

Soon enough, we arrived at a big grey building. The ground all around it had no grass and almost looked like a meteor, but I ignored how creepy it looked and decided to follow Dave and Karkat. We walked up to a huge gray door, that made a shrill sound when opened, then entered the laboratory.

It was a very dull, poorly lit building. Im the room we were in, there were very few people. The crowd consisted of my group, Kanaya, Rose, Gamzee (who was... in a vent?), amd a kid dressed in a mayor costume who I didn't know.

"Aw man, we came in very last!" Terezi complained.

"That doesn't matter. You successfully retrieved Y/n so that she may become healthy." Kanaya smiled softly st me, so I smiled back. I hadn't gotten to know her too well before the whole sickness thing, but she seemed nice enough.

"Now that she's here, I would prefer we place her in a bed where she can cure. I realize that you've spent almost a year at the hospital, but the doctors had no clue what they were dealing with and now we're going to have to give you time to heal up. It won't take long, so there is no need to worry." Rose said. I also didn't know her very well, but I could tell she was very similar to Kanaya.

Dave put me down finally and led me to a small room with loads of beds. There was only one bed empty, so I sat down in it. I thanked Dave and pulled him in for a speedy, friendly hug. Once he left, I examined the room. It was very similar to the one before, just with different furniture. There were also a few odd green tubes next to the wall, but I decided it best to leave them be. In the other beds were a bunch of other people. They were all resting peacefully, which I hoped I could do as well.

I laid my head down and proceeded to get the best sleep I'd had in  literally almost a year.

The next morning, I woke up happily. I had slept well, enjoying no nightmares and even felt much better. I wasn't shaking or starving, which was obviously a good sign. I sat up and saw the many other people from yesterday were standing up and talking happily amongst each other.

I got up and pushed past all of them. Some were kind enough to congratulate me on healing up so fast, so I politely thanked them but kept moving anyway. Luckily not getting too loat, I found Dave and Karkat sitting and talking with one another in a kitchen-like area. I ran over and hugged them both, pulling them toward me.

"Y/n! You're feeling better!" Karkat kisses me on the cheek and made me blush.

"Nice," Dave uttered simply, and I giggled. I knew he cared whether he showed it or not. I grabbed some breakfast and sat down with them, enjoying finally having a good talk without laying down in a cramped hospital room. I put my food down and took a moment to just look at the two best friends in front of me, and appreciated my life just then. It's amazing what can change in just a night.

Listening {Karkat X Reader X Dave}Where stories live. Discover now