~ T E N ~

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People say that when you're dreaming, you don't feel things. Your senses aren't active in your dreams because your nervous system and your brain aren't actually receiving signals. It's scientifically proven! I don't know what it was, but I felt every stinging, burning pain that I felt in my dream.

The rest of my day was filled with terrible repeats of my nightmare, each one worse than the last. It was just about the same thing every time. I would wake up to a bright and sunny day, until either Karkat, Dave, or both of the boys would walk in with stone faces and cold skin. They'd grab me and hurt me and pull me to dark rooms and leave me there until my senses went blank. Then I'd wake up in the same setting yet again. It was like some kind of awful torture. It came to the point where I just let it happen. However, no matter how emotionless I seemed, how much I tried to blend in with the heartless dream creatures, it still hurt.

Until I woke up. Not in the same bed, anyway. I was in a hospital bed. My eyes were merely cracked open, and I awaited the arrival of another Dave or Karkat. I was drenched in sweat still, and there was a bottle of medicine on a table. On the table also sat a clock, which read 2:48 in big red text. After I became completely bored, I attempted to sit up. My arms and body shook and I felt exhausted from trying to push myself up. A nurse walked in and saw my huffing and sweating form. She gasped and handed me a glass of water and a pill from the bottle of medicine.

"Do you know what happened to me?" I asked weakly. My voice sounded scratchy and drained. She began flipping through a clipboard she walked in with. "We found that you had been given something that could cause dramatic fever, comatose, and vivid neurological images," she explained. When she saw my confused look, she described it in simpler terms. "Basically, you were given something that made you sick and sleepy. It also made you have really vivid dreams. Speaking of, what did you dream about?" She smiled.

"This is going to sound super weird, but it was about my boyfriend and my new friend torturing me. And i kept, like, waking up to a new day and each day they would torture me again. I dunno," I sighed. She stared at me for a while, and I could see her trying to figure out what to say.

"I'm... Sorry," she said. I smiled at her, and reassured her it was fine. Just as she left to report to the doctor, I fell back to sleep for a little while. I, of course, had another dream about Karkat and Dave. When I awoke after what felt like eternity, I saw Karkat staring at me from the edge of the bed. I screamed, worried he would do the same thing to me. He looked terrified though, and I knew he was the real Karkitten. I sighed, and the same nurse came rushing in. She looked angry and worried, and I think she channeled her anger at Karkat, judging by the expression she gave him. She ushered him out and I breathed a breath of relief I didn't realize I was holding.

Am I... afraid of my own boyfriend?

Listening {Karkat X Reader X Dave}Where stories live. Discover now