Chapter 2 - A Visit from Gandalf

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Chapter 2 – A Visit from Gandalf

The sun was starting to rise. Another night was coming to an end. I opened my dark green eyes. The room was still dark. It was still very early. I got up slowly, I was still sleepy. I chose what I was going to dress. Today's choice was a long dark blue dress, made of a very light and delicate silk. After getting dressed, I picked two bits of hair just near my pointy elf ears and tied it back, into a braid.

When I finish tying my hair, I left my room. I wanted to see my older sister, Arwen. I'm the youngest daughter of Elrond and Arwen's my sister. I live in Rivendell with them. Unlike my sister, I'm very curious and I can't stay still for that long. It bores me. I like animals, exploring new places and learn new things. My dream is to go on an important quest and help saving the world, in this case, Middle-earth, but I guess I can keep on dreaming. For now, I'll keep on practicing my archery skills. My name is Elariniel.

After walking a bit, I got to my sister's room. I knocked the door softly and waited for her to say something.

"Who is it?" she asked in a quiet and peaceful voice.

"It's me, Sister! Can I enter?"

"Yes, of course"

I opened the door carefully. She was sitting on the edge of the window, reading a book. She was already awake, like me, even if Rivendell was still a bit dark. Our father should be awake too, like us.

"Is everything alright?" She asked me, grinning slightly.

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks" I replied, politely "I was wondering if you wanted to come with me looking for some animals to take care of…?"

My sister smiled again.

"You already have a Rabbit, an Owl and a Horse. You should just take care of them and make sure they're alright." She said in a soft voice.

"They are alright and I love to take care of them, but I feel like something's missing" I said, looking out of her bedroom's window.

Arwen looked worried, now. Maybe I just talked too much?

"I'm sorry, Arwen. I didn't want to worry you. I'll take my leave now" I said and left her room, closing the door behind me.

I ran to my room and got my cloak. I wanted to ride. When I got outside, I heard a horse drawn carriage getting closer. I waited patiently to see who was coming to Rivendell.

"Gandalf!" I exclaimed, when I saw the old wizard, with his long hair and bread turning from grey to white, because of the age, getting closer, while riding and singing.

He smiled at me when he saw me. He stopped a bit after and then got off his carriage.

"What brings you here, dear Gandalf? " I asked harmoniously. Gandalf is like a grandfather, to me.

"I'm going to Hobbiton" he said "Old Bilbo's Birthday is soon. I was passing near Rivendell and I was wondering if you wanted to go as well, since you sometimes join me when I go on my "adventures"."

"Oh, I would really fancy to go!" I said, happily.

"Then you shall come with me and meet Bilbo Baggins and Frodo Baggins"

A smile lightened my face. An adventure! Alright, it wasn't an epic thing, just a birthday, but it would be fun! I didn't even imagine what was going to happen next.

Later in the day, I got to see my father.

"My father" I said, respectfully.

"Elariniel" he said, while he got closer and kissed softly the top of my head.

I grinned at him.

"Can I ask you something, my Father?"

He looked surprised, momentarily.

"Of course" he replied.

"Well" I started "Gandalf is here, as you already know. I think you already talked with him today. Did he mention Bilbo Baggin's Birthday?"

Elrond was surprised again.

"Yes, it happens he did. And he also told me that he came here to know if you wanted to go with him to Hobbiton and to the Shire."

A big smile of pure contentment lit my face.

"Can I go, then? Does that mean I can go?" I asked, now, impatiently.

"Yes, you can" he told me, smiling "I know Gandalf will take care you of and you'll get to know nice people and new places."

I was really happy! I was going to see a new place, where Hobbits lived! I only met Bilbo when he came to Rivendell some time ago.

I hugged my father, thanking him for letting me go. After that, I needed to get my stuff ready, so I just went packing some things I might need and went to meet Gandalf, once again.

He was smiling, when he saw me approaching with my things.

"Oh, wait! I need to do something before we set off!" I said, loudly.

Gandalf nodded, as I started to run back inside, looking for Arwen.

I found her near the door, luckily!

"Arwen! I'm going to Hobbiton with Galdalf!" I shouted, happily. Maybe I spoke a bit too loud, because she glanced surprised at me "I promise I'll be back as soon as possible!" I added.

"Have fun" she said, while she grinned at me "Don't act too reckless."

"Don't worry, I won't." I smiled at her, without being able to contain my huge happiness.

I got closer to her and hugged her tightly.

"I'll miss you, Arwen" I said, quietly.

"I'll miss you too" she told me, in a quiet voice as well "Hope you're back soon and I hope you have fun. And I also hope you stop having that feeling that something's missing. You're happy, your family loves you."

I closed my eyes, while I smiled. I was a bit shorter than Arwen, so she kissed my hair.

"Time to go" I said "I'll be back soon!"

I got off the room, again, waving at Arwen. Galdalf was waiting and singing quietly some song I didn't know.

I jumped to the carriage and sat next to Gandalf. I wanted to take my horse, but he didn't let me. He smiled and stopped singing.

"So, let's get going or else we won't make it to Bilbo's birthday" he said, looking at the road that was in front of us, just waiting to be traveled, explored, appreciated and enjoyed.

We finally set off. My eyes were completely aware of everything, of every detail. I've been training these kind of skills since I was a child, so I can be aware of a lot of things at the same time. Of course other elves and my father and sister and much more aware than I am, but I'll keep on training.

My ears were listening every single sound. Birds, water, trees dancing on their roots, everything. My black hair was flying behind me as the wind crashed into my face, softly and sweetly. Gandalf was still singing. I looked at him. He had a peaceful expression, he seemed happy.

Both of us were quiet, appreciating nature and it's charming. No words were said. Nature's magic had caught us.

There was a long way till Hobbiton. But, amazingly,… I didn't get bored. I was way too amazed at all the new things my eyes had never seen. I started wondering if I would like the Shire.

After a long time, we finally arrived at the Shire. It was one of the most peaceful places I had ever been.

"Welcome to the Shire" said Gandalf, slowly, as he slowed the carriage down and restarted singing.

I smiled.

"Thanks, father, for letting me come to this new place. I feel like something great is about to begin" I thought.

And I was right. I just didn't know that yet.

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