Chapter 9 - The Bridge of Khazad-dûm

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Chapter 9 - The Bridge of Khazad-dûm

We cannot get out. They are coming. Orcs were now audible, approaching the room we were in. We were trapped.

Boromir ran to the only door in the room. An arrow almost hit his head.

"Get back!" Aragorn shouted to the Hobbits "Stay close to Gandalf!"

Gandalf started to gather all the Hobbits, who remained close to each other. Aragorn ran to the place Boromir was, next to the door, and both of them closed it.

"They have a cave troll!" Boromir exclaimed, with an ironic tone.

Legolas started gathering axes and throwing them to Boromir, in order to bar the door, to delay the enemy's entrance inside the room. I inched forward, waiting to help them with keeping the door shut.

"You too, Elariniel!" Aragorn said "Stay close to Gandalf!"

"I can fight!" I protested, as I drew my bow, getting my first arrow for that battle ready.

Gandalf drew his sword and held it tight as well as his staff. The hobbits followed Gandalf, doing exactly the same with their own swords. Frodo's one was shining in blue.

Gimli had jumped to the tomb, roaring, with an angry and mad expression on his dwarf-face.

"Let them come!" He roared "There is one Dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!"

I was standing, turned to the door, with my bow ready to start shooting. On my left side, Aragorn stood with this bow ready, as well and, on my right side, Legolas did exactly the same as us. By the other side of Legolas, Boromir was looking intently at the door, holding is sword on one of his hands and his shield on his other one.

Orcs started to break the door, trying to bring it down.

Legolas shot his first arrow, through an opening of broken wood, in the door. He hit an orc on his neck, causing it to try instant death. Legolas got another arrow ready. Aragorn shot too, hitting another orc. It was my turn. I shot fast, through an opening, and my arrow hit an orc right in the eye.

The orcs managed to break the doors, and spread inside the room as fast as strong wind. Legolas kept on shooting arrows and Aragorn shot another one, which hit another orc on its neck, piercing it.

I started to shoot arrows after arrows, as well. I had a natural ability to move fast. I had good reflexes. That made pretty difficult for the orcs to hit me.

An orc came to me, trying to hit me with his sword, but I downloaded myself, escaping his sword.

"Be Careful, Elariniel!" I heard Aragorn shouting in the middle of the deafening noise from swords hitting themselves, mutually.

Gimli was fighting the orcs bravely, with his ax, while standing on the tomb, like if he was trying to protect it.

Gandalf and the Hobbits roared as they started to fight, joining me, Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir and Gimli. The hobbits did not seem scared at all, killing bravely the orcs, defending one another, with an unmatched willpower.

I shot a few more orcs on the head, making them die. Legolas was doing the same as me. Aragorn, on the other hand, had already switched back to his sword. An orc tried to attack him, but he decapitated the attacker, and the orc's head flew across the room, as blood began to flow from the decapitated body. Some of the orc blood spotted my dark-green tunic.

"Eww" I muttered, but it wasn't time to care if I had my clothes impregnated with the enemy's blood or not.

Suddenly, everyone stopped fighting, staring at the door with a frightened expression on our faces. The orcs were pulling inside the Cave Troll Boromir has mentioned before. My expression hardened, as I concentrated on the new enemy- the Cave Troll.

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