Chapter 5 - People from Middle-Earth

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Chapter 5 – People from Middle-Earth

It was good to be back home after my little adventure in the Shire. My older sister, Arwen, came down the stairs when she heard me shouting that I was back.

"Elariniel!" she exclaimed. I run to her and I hugged her. Yes, I missed her hugs and caring words.

"I missed you, Arwen!" I said.

"I missed you too" she whispered "So, how was your little trip?"

I looked at my sister's beautiful face. She was smiling at me.

"It was great" I said "I met some nice people, there. I became friends with four hobbits"

"Really? Were they nice?" Arwen asked.

"Yes, very nice! And fun. It's not boring to be with them. They're nice, pure and like parties. They're different from elves" I affirmed.

Arwen smiled at me.

"I guess you're right" she said.

Suddenly, I felt a bit sad. And I couldn't hide it.

"What's wrong, Elariniel?" Arwen asked.

"It's just… I don't know if I will ever get to see them again. I will miss Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin" I explained.

"Maybe you will" she whispered "sooner than you think. Well, go and tell Father you're back. He will be happy" She said, going back to her room.

I stopped in the hall for a minute, reflecting about Arwen's words. Sooner than I thought? How? I don't think I'll be going back to the Shire for the next few years, though I would like to visit that beautiful and magical place again. Its peace had no equals.

I searched for my dad. I found him in his "office".

"I'm back" I proclaimed, after knocking the door and waiting for him to tell me that I could come in.

"Welcome back" he said, smiling at me "How was it? Did you have fun with Gandalf?"

"Yes, it was fantastic. Thanks for letting me go" I thanked.

"Did you like the hobbits?" Father asked.

"Yes, I met some nice people, there" I answered.

"Good" he said, in a serious tone, like always. But also warm.

"Father…" I started, but then, Gandalf's words came to my mind. I must say nothing about the Ring or Sauron to my Father, Lord Elrond, for now. I stopped after saying the first word.

"What is it?" Elrond asked.

"It's nothing" I said, trying to fake a smile "I was just wondering at Arwen's words" I tried to make up an excuse, quickly.

"What did she tell you?" he asked.

"She told me that I will see the hobbits again, sooner than I think…" I replied.

Father's expression hardened. I had no idea what came to his mind.

"Maybe she's right" he concluded "Now, off you go. I think your pets also missed you"

"Yes, thanks, father" I said, and I went outside, to the garden. I checked my pets' food and water. And stayed a bit with them, they missed me. Well, I don't know. I can't talk to them.

After taking care of them, I went inside, I had a long bath I got some clean clothes. I tied my hair the way I usually do. I resumed the life I had after my trip to the Shire. Reading, riding, taking care of animals... But it didn't feel the same. I was worrying about Gandalf. About Frodo. About Sam. I knew nothing about them. Were they alright? I was also worrying about Sauron's power. I knew that my father fought in the battle where Isildur took Sauron's ring from the hand.

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