Chapter 8 - The Mines of Moria

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Chapter 8 – The Mines of Moria

It was night. The skies were dark and we had just finished climbing down the mountain, and we reached the place where the entrance to the Mines of Moria was supposed to be.

"The walls of Moria!" Gimli said, looking at a bunch of rock.

Gimli got closer to the walls, examining them closely.

Gandalf also got closer to the walls made of pure rock and started touching them with his fingertips.

"Ithildin…" He whispered "It mirrors starlight and moonlight"

I looked, curious, at the walls. Some clouds that were covering the moon moved away, and the moon shone brightly. The walls, once made by pure and simple rock started to reflect the stemmed light of the moon and beautiful drawings of a door appeared.

Gimli was staring, fascinated, at the door that had just appeared. I was also amazed by its beauty.

"It reads 'The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter'" Gandalf explained us, as he pointed the words with his staff.

"What do you suppose that means?" Merry asked.

"It's quite simple" Gandalf said, turning his head to Meriadoc (Merry's real name), with an evident expression on his face. As he explained, he moved his hands to help his speech "You speak the password and the doors will open!"

Gandalf turned to the door and, with the help of his stuff pushing the door, he started to recite some words in elvish. Everyone observed him curiously. When we finished, we waited hopefully for the doors to open, but nothing happened.

"Why is it not working, Gandalf? I asked.

"Wrong password, I believe" he answered, turning again to the door, analyzing it more carefully and then trying to break it. Nothing happened. Gandalf kept on trying. Everyone sat on the rocks that were surrounding the entrance.

Aragorn and Sam where removing the cell and the stirrups of the pony that had accompanied us till that place. I joined them.

"Mines are no place for a pony" Aragorn said, quietly "Even one so brave as Bill"

"Bye-bye, Bill" Sam said, with a sad face. He really liked the pony.

"Bye, Bill. Go home and be at peace" I said, as I stroked one last time the pony's fur.

Aragorn pushed Bill off.

"Go on, Bill. Go on" Aragorn said while the pony started trotting back home "Don't worry, Sam. He knows the way home"

I smiled at Aragorn. Sam didn't look so sad, now, after Aragorn's hopeful words about Bill's returning home.

Behind us, Merry and Pippin started to compete, throwing little rocks at the lake which was just in front of the Door of Moria. They seemed cheerful and happy throwing the rocks. Aragorn didn't seem that pleased with their competition. Pippin was getting ready to throw another rock, but Aragorn grabbed his arm, stopping him from throwing it.

"Do not disturb the water" Aragorn advised, strictly.

I took a peek, trying to see if Gandalf had already tried anything successful about the door.

"Oh, it's useless" he complained, throwing his staff to the ground and taking off his grey wizard pointy hat, while sitting on a rock nearby.

I started to look at the waters. An odd move roamed the waters. Aragorn and Boromir joined me, looking at the waters, carefully, scanning them. We were afraid that something evil popped out of them.

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