Chapter 4 - The One Ring

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Chapter 4 – The One Ring

I woke up. The sun was bright. I didn't open my eyes that moment. I was having a nice dream about a blonde prince riding a white horse. I kept them closed. I heard someone knocking the door and I was forced to open my eyes. As soon as I opened them, I realized that I wasn't at home, but in Bilbo's house.

"Yes?" I said, with a sleepy voice.

"May I?" Frodo said, behind the door.

"Yes" I said, while sitting on the little bed. I still was sleepy.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you" I replied, smiling "I was having a nice dream." I blushed a bit.

Frodo smiled.

"Well, if you need anything, I'm in the kitchen" he said, leaving my room and closing the door behind him. I smiled to myself.

I actually had nothing to do that day, except waiting for Gandalf to be back, to take me back home. Bilbo's party was already over and he left the Shire, leaving Frodo and everyone behind. I yawned and then I got up. If I had nothing to do, I was going to explore the Shire. I needed to pass the time. I didn't want to sit in that bed the whole day.

"Frodo!" I called, getting out of the room and going to the kitchen.


"How long do you think that Gandalf will take?" I asked, looking out, by the window. The sun was shining. It should be pretty hot, outside.

"I don't know" He said "But don't worry". He smiled.

"I want to do something!" I exclaimed, out of nothing. Frodo looked at me, surprised with my sudden exclamation, and then, he started to laugh a little bit.

"Well, I guess I'll just show you what I didn't show yesterday" He said, and I clapped my hands with contentment "Just get ready" he completed.

I went back to the room and I fixed my hair. After that, I went back to the kitchen and left Bilbo's house with Frodo. We met Sam, after a while. We took a stroll over the fields and, by the end of the day, they took me to a pub, named "Green Dragon".

They asked for cups of that Ale drink.

"Do you want to try it too, Elariniel?" Sam asked.

"Can I?" I thought I couldn't drink that. Because I never drank any kind of different drinks.

"Of course!" He said. Then, he stood up and went to get me a cup of Ale too. I was still sitting with Frodo and we noticed that Sam was staring at that girl from the party, Rosie. When he got back, he passed me the cup of Ale. I looked at it suspiciously.

"Just try it" Frodo said.

"Yes, I hope you enjoy it" Sam said.

I took the cup to my lips and tried a little bit. As I expected, I wasn't used to that kind of drinks at all but it wasn't that bad.

"It's not that bad" I said, smiling.

Frodo and Sam grinned at me and I smiled back. It's wonderful that I made such nice friends this far away from home. I wonder if I will ever be able to see them again, once I return home. And I'm sure father and Arwen are missing me around Rivendell.

About one hour later, and after drinking my Ale, we decided to go home. Sam went with me and Frodo till Bilbo's house.

"Goodbye, Sam" Frodo said, waving, and going inside the house "You're coming, Elariniel?" he asked.

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