Chapter 6 - The Fellowship of the Ring

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Chapter 6 – The Fellowship of the Ring

It was my first time in such an important council. It was a secret council. My father, Lord Elrond, was in charge of it. Somehow, I managed to get him letting me attend that so important secret council. They were going to decide what should be done about the One Ring, forged by the Dark Lord Sauron.

The council was about to begin. I was sitting between Gandalf, who carried a serious expression on his face, and an elf I did now know. I was a bit nervous and I couldn't look at my father, into his eyes. I had that feeling that he did not completely approve my presence, there. I was only there thanks to Gandalf, who helped me convincing my father and overpowering his strict commands. As I expected, I was the only female attending the secret council.

I was fiddling with my fingers, while waiting impatiently for my father to open the council's session. My eyes escaped to Prince Legolas Greenleaf. He was sitting, quietly, with a peaceful expression, two chairs after mine. I realized that I had forgotten to thank him for helping with my chair, but I was way too fascinated with his beautiful appearance to form any words properly. I would have to apologize after the council.

Father stood up and looked to everyone, with a serious and harsh expression.

"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old; you have been summoned here to answer the thread of Mordor" Father said, pausing for a second "Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom" he said.

He paused for a bit and looked at everyone, with that intimidating expression of his'.

"Bring forth the Ring, Frodo" Father instructed, strictly, as always.

Frodo hesitated, and then stood up, approaching slowly to the only table that was inside that place, which was made of stone. He put the Ring there, returning to his seat, quiet and slowly.

People started to whisper and gasps filled the whole room. I looked at the Ring, wondering why would someone create such an object like the Ring.

My eyes fell on the man, who I didn't like the expression. He was preparing to say something. He was the only man attending the council, besides Aragorn.

"Gandalf?" I called, in a whisper.

"What is it, Elariniel?"

"Who is that man'" I asked "I don't like his expression"

"He's Boromir, son of Denethor, from Gondor" he said "Now be quiet or your father will put you out of here" he advised.

I didn't say anything more.

"So it his true…" started the man named Boromir, approaching is hand to his head as he spoke "In a dream, I saw the Eastern sky grow dark. But in the West, a pale light lingered. A voice was crying, 'The doom is near at hand, Isildur's Bane is found.'" He was standing, now, inching forward to the Ring, getting closer to it every second. He approached his hand of the One Ring, trying to take it. "Isildur's Bane" he muttered.

"Boromir!" Father exclaimed, raising his voice, calling the man back to reality. It looked like the Ring was exercising some kind of mind control over him.

Gandalf suddenly stood up and roared some words in elvish. The atmosphere went a bit darker and Boromir backed off. Father took his hand to his forehead, while the floor started trembling a little bit. I was scared. Instinctively, I looked for Prince Legolas' eyes. He had just closed them, sporting a frightened expression on his pale and wise face.

When Gandalf stopped saying those words, Boromir sat down and the ambience was bright once again. Boromir looked around, frightened. I must say that even Father looked a bit scared.

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