Figure out what you want

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She screamed so loud that Danny cowered back for moment before recovering and racing towards the sweet smell of lime, smoke... and blood.

"Ashley!" he yelled over the noise of snow whirling around her. She tightened her hands over her ears and screamed again.

"Ash! Calm down it's me. It's ok!" he said sliding his warm hands around her face so that he could pry her claws away from her face. Screaming again, she thrashed against his hold. Panic flashed across her eyes and she whimpered. He felt the pull immediately as he stared into the most electrifying blue eyes.

Danny stared shocked at his best friend. "Ashley! Stop! It's me, It's just me" he cooed and she began to stop breathing so fast as she took in his scent. She knew it, so well. The scent of her best friend, of her future Alpha, of her mate?

The fire boy wrapped his arms around her shivering form and shushed her.

"Ok, ok, its alright" he said sweetly, yet forcefully, and the frozen streaks on her cheeks melted, leaking into Dannys cotton white shirt.

The snow seemed to drop to the floor around Ashley and she peeked out from the safety of Dannys arms. She was in a circle of smudged dark grass and wet mud. Her legs were covered in it and her dress was done for. 

She drowned in exhaustion. Her eyes drifted closed and she collapsed fully into Danny's safe arms.

Danny breathed out a sigh of relief; his mate was in his arms. Finally he could call her that, after years of being teased about his undying love for her, she was finally his. She was snoring softly and her breath came out in small clouds of mist. Her relaxed features seemed to smile when Danny brought her closer to his chest.

Her hair was plastered in a sticky mess to her forehead thanks to the beads of sweat evidently sitting on her skin like rain drops. Danny, with a delicate finger, swept the hair away and couldn't help thinking as he traced the scar, mine.

So much relief ran through him and his wolf. When it came to Ashley, she was one frost that he could not melt. They were the best of friends and had been since the brief meeting over a puzzle and a teddy bear when they were nothing but children, but now they could be more. 

But he was angry. Had she had been scared and ran away from him in the corridor? Was it him that had just caused that seizure? Was she really that disgusted to have him as a mate? His wolf snarled. No, of course not.

Almost everyday someone commented on what a beautiful couple they were. It didn't matter if they were taking a walk in the humans side or if they were lounging around in the packs meadow. They were the 'it' couple, anyone could see that... except they weren't actually a couple. His brothers friends had always told him 'to man up' but it was Ashley and none of them could have possibly foretold how she would have reacted.

Danny slowly rose to his feet, balancing Ashley in his right arm. He lifted his nose and took a sniff of the cool breeze, they were not far from home but at the same time Danny did not want to leave the packs car at school.

When Ashley shifted and made a whimpering sound he quickly decided that the car was one thing that would have to come second now that he had found his mate. The fire boy lifted his nose and smelt for a direction, and he was taken away from the fir tree and towards home, running but keeping the girl in his arms as steady as possible.


Ashley twitched her nose.

She was lying peacefully in her bed at home. There were no questions asked that her open bedroom window had been Danny. Her window had always been his preferred choice of getting in. Even when they were little.

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