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Hours had passed since the invisible wall disapeared, taking away everything on the other side.

The sun itself gave off no light at all, the white glow all around Ashley seemed to be the work of the snows gleaming reflection. Bright enough to be day, however, you would never be able to tell whether or not it was night.

A frozen ball of tarnished ice suspended in the sky was all that remained of the sun. Like a giant disco ball floating above the clouds. It was full and scary. Ashley shivered every time she look at it. The apparition of the scene was more than anyone could take.

Just like she noted before, snow stretched as far as the eye could see and underfoot the cruching powder was turning her bare feet blue. It was strange; she could of sworn that she was wearing boots earlier but she was just as unfazed by the cold as ever.

She stayed near the spot of the invisible wall. In fact, she had not moved an inch from where the pane had seperated her and her mate. Thinking about it made her wolf whimper.

Everytime a harsh gail sauntered by, Ashley would find herself enticed to see if Danny had reapeared. Disappointed every time, the snow girl slumped onto the ground, unleashing her pain as rivers of tears froze to her face.


Danny could feel her pain. Her presence. Her tears. They may be dimensions apart but he had never felt the connection so clearly.

There was nothing to stop him thinking of her. Not a single distraction to side track the pain.

He hadn't opened his eyes since he heard his mate scream his name before disapearing. He didn't want ot look; to be reminded of the dark nothingness that he had seen in his landscape. So so dark, just a few rivers of lava and black rock that seemed to come from nowhere.

The fire boy couldn't help thinking that this was all the doing of the man in the suit.

Just when everything seemed hopeless, a light broke out of the musky dark sky. It cast through a ravine in the mountain. Nothing happened for a while, no sounds nor movement.

Danny gathered up his courage and, after taking one last arcane look to the vanished invisible wall, he walked forward.

Trying to gather energy to change into his wolf; he had no idea where or how hostile the environment was around him, he couldn't. His wolf was cowering in the depths off his mind. The Alpha furiously ordered to change but no such efforts came from his wolf.

With a growl, he headed forward. On foot.


If it hadn't been blinding before, Ashley would have been able to sense a change in the lighting. A cloud rose above her head, it was a yellow, creamy colour and cast a shadow over the whole valley she was in.

The snow girl lifted her head to glance up but was shocked by the flash of light that hit the tree. Gasping, she dived forward and out of the strikes path.

They continues to pound the earth around her for some reason. After ten or eleven bolts had struck, the twelth hit the ground in the distance.

When the coast was clear, the sky rid of aparritional clouds, Ashley could finally concentrate on the even thumping in her heart. She could hear it as though it were, as though it were her own four paws crunching into the snow.

Her instincts told her that there was no threat but her head willed her to protect herself. She called on her wolf for insurance but she didn't come. Ashley opened her eyes and was still on two feet.

Something strange was happening to her; her insides were tingling and she suddenly felt light as though she might actually float away!

Just then, she heard a howl, a long melody of her language. She braced herself for whoever was out there but could do nothing but wait as the mass of ice white fur raced towards her faster than the lightning had.

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