✦1. Fate

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"Pika-pi, pika Pikachu!" cried a peculiar voice, waking up a raven-haired boy.

Ash struggled to open his eyes, the bright rays of the sunshine blinding him.

"P-Pikachu..? Is that you?"

As his eyes adjusted to the warm light, he gazed upon a pair of worried eyes of his yellow mouse partner as he got up to his knees.

As his eyes adjusted to the warm light, he gazed upon a pair of worried eyes of his yellow mouse partner as he got up to his knees

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"Pikachu? I'm here buddy! No need to worry about me!"  Ash gave a bright smile to his partner as he reached over to pet him. 

Instead, his hand met the cold air.

His hand had phased right through the electric mouse as though there was nothing there. "Huh?" said the trainer, bewildered. 

He stood up straight and looked in the direction of where Pikachu was facing. 

What he gazed upon nearly made him faint of shock.

There was his body, lifeless on the grass.

"Wait, what?!" exclaimed the 16-year-old as he looked at the body and to his hands. Instead of seeing the usual color of his arms, there was only a shade of blue. 

"W-What..? A-Am I dead?" Ash collapsed to his knees and covered his face with the palms of his hands.

"This can't be it..." The trainer muttered, tears beginning to form in his eyes as he remembered everything he's done, all the memories he shared with other people and pokémon.

"No. You are neither dead nor alive." rang a mystical voice around him, making him look around.

"What..? Who are you..?"

A figure with a creamy yellow and white body with small black eyes mystically appeared in front of him. 

"People have given me the name Jirachi

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"People have given me the name Jirachi." The mythical Pokémon said through the use of telepathy.

Ash widened his tear-filled eyes.

"C-Can you help me? I can't remember anything that happened," said the desperate trainer, clinging to his last piece of hope.

"Yes. I will take you to the past and show you..." 

✧ The Light of My Life ༻ SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now