✦5. Light

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I remain in place, soothing Serena as she cries into my chest. I feel a mixture of different emotions, and can't decide how I really feel. I bring her closer to me in the embrace, comforting her as much as I can. After a while, she pulls out of the hug. I feel strangely disappointed, but shrug it off as she begins to speak.

"A-Ash... I...I can't move my legs anymore..." she trails off as tears start to form in her eyes again. I instinctively start to speak without any thought at all.

"Serena. I hate to see you like this...I should've been there earlier, I should've done something than just stand there! You probably hate me as much as I do right now..." I say, looking down at the floor.

I feel her hand reach for my cheek, cupping it in her hand as she lifted my face to look at her beautiful ocean-blue cerulean eyes.

Beautiful? What are these feelings I'm experiencing?

"Ash. Never ever say that I hate you. You are an amazing person who will always inspire me, the sole reason why I-I..." She trails off once again much to my disappointment.

"I-I guess this is it then... I'll never be able to stand again." Serena says, her weak smile turning into a frown.

I suddenly stand up and lift her off the bed, placing her on my back in a piggyback position.

"A-Ash! What are you doing?!"

"NEVER GIVE UP UNTIL THE VERY END!" I yell, making our way out of the door and outside of the hospital into the warm morning Autumn air.  I spot a park across the street and begin to head towards it, with Serena still on my back.

After reaching the park's grassy field, I gently place her on the grass, positioning her so that she is standing behind me with her arms around my chest for support. I then began to slowly trudge forward, with her feet slowly gliding on the grass.

"Ash... What are you doing? I can't walk, remember?"

"I know. That's why I'm going to be with you everyday, teaching you to learn how to walk again. Until that day comes, I'm never leaving you ever again, Serena." I say, smiling brightly as I continue to walk.


Feeling the warm sunlight on my face with the swooshing sounds of the nearby river while strolling in the peaceful environment of the park couldn't have been more perfect.

What takes the cake was feeling Serena's warm breath on my neck, with her arms around my chest.

I now trully understand.




I honestly thought that this would be a perfect place to stop the chapter, as it ends with a very calm and peaceful setting.

I'm so sorry if I disappointed any of y'all with the short chapter.

I had so much homework over the week and had to write this chapter last minute, so yeah XD

But good news! The next chapter will be out soon! With its normal length as usual. XD

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✧ The Light of My Life ༻ SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now