✦9. Foe

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A boy in a long-sleeved dark blue jacket stood impatiently under a streetlamp nearby the hospital. He glanced at this phone to see if anyone had texted him, but still nothing.

He sighed.

Where could he be? thought Calem, impatiently tapping his foot on the ground.

After a few moments of continued silence, the sound of footsteps began to drown the area in noise.

Click-Clack. Click-Clack.

The even sound of marching grew louder until it stopped, and a man along with many others dressed in the same uniform sauntered up to the trainer under the streetlamp.

"Calem." the man said, stopping after he reached the light from the lamp.

"Mhm," Calem answered, slowly approaching the mysterious figure.

"Good work, Ash Ketchum is unconscious, just as you said. Here's your payment."

"Mhm. Now, where's Serena?" Calem asked with a questioning look.

The man simply just smirked and began to back away into the darkness.

"Giovanni, where is she?!" Calem said, starting to get worried and anxious.

A certain voice faintly yelled in the distance.

"Someone help me!"

Calem widened his eyes and broke into a sprint towards the back end of the hospital.

No, this isn't happening... No no no... thought Calem, who began to sprint faster.

He reached the scene shortly after and saw groups of men in uniform carrying a struggling raven-haired boy and a honey-blonde girl, who was suddenly brought into sleep by a sedative from one of the men.

Angered, Calem grabbed out a Pokéball from his pocket.

He sent out a Charizard.

"Charizard, quick, use flamethrower!"

Charizard let out a huge blast of fire from his mouth, and it quickly dissolved the large groups of Team Rocket members as they were all running for cover from the hot plumes of flame.

The Team Rocket grunts quickly retaliated, however, as they were now all sending out their Pokémon.

Suddenly, a shadow ball was hurled into Calem's direction.

Before Charizard could even react to block the Ghost-type move, a powerful bolt of electricity took it out in no time.

A Pikachu and a boy with a light-blue scarf and jet-black jacket raced towards the scene.

"We'll take it from here, go and help the two." said Alain, sending out his Charizard as well.

Calem nodded and began to sprint towards the trunk of a large van, which contained Serena inside.

A commotion from another nearby vehicle caught Calem's attention, and he shifted his gaze over to the direction of the yells.

There struggling to escape from Giovanni's iron grasp was Ash Ketchum, who had a furious look on his eyes.

Giovanni spoke up.

"Ash Ketchum, do you know how much trouble you have caused for me and my team? Now, it's time for me to have some fun," he said, grabbing a silver baseball bat from inside the truck. He smiled evilly and glanced at Ash's raven-haired head and back to his bat.

A wave of guilt and anger flowed through Calem's eyes. He quickly ran over towards Giovanni as he was preparing to strike Ash with the bat, and knocked Giovanni down towards the ground.

✧ The Light of My Life ༻ SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now