✦3. Strong Bonds

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A truck suddenly zoomed past Prism Tower in Lumiose City, ignoring any traffic lights and pedestrians.

Luckily no one was hurt in the process.

The vehicle eventually stopped in a narrow alleyway near the outskirts of Lumiose City. A man wearing a mysterious uniform stepped out of a truck and trudged over to the back of it, opening the trunk door. It revealed the space full of complex machinery and one single, but nevertheless large suitcase. He took the case in his hands and opened it up. Inside was a blueprint for a project of a much larger scale that had the blueprints of Prism Tower printed on it. He neatly folded it in his hands and placed it inside of his shirt pocket. The man then reached for the last item inside of the suitcase: a large and luminous red sphere with a glowing yellow symbol imprinted on it. He cautiously picked it up and placed it inside of a glass casing. He then rushed to a door, entering it using his fingerprint and passcode, and closed it shut, locking him from the outside world.

Another man slowly stepped out of the shadows, wearing black penny loafers, brown suit pants, and a long, brown coat. He dashed out of the alley and inside of a dark van. Inside was a collection of monitors, screens, and complex technology. The man sat down and grabbed a walkie-talkie. He then pressed a button and began to speak into it.

"Captain, I found the stolen Red Orb. A man in a dark uniform just took it inside of a building on the outskirts of Lumiose City. I'll send you the coordinates."

"Good work, Looker. Stay and do some more recon; reinforcements will be sent soon."



While the mysterious man with the mythical Red Orb in the truck rode through the city, Ash and Pikachu had reunited with Clemont, Bonnie, Dedenne, Squishy, and Greninja. During this jubilant reunion, Ash had decided to battle against Clemont for the first time in a long while. He had chosen none other than Greninja to follow up against Clemont's Luxray for the lively battle. (*btw I decided to skip the reunion since it could get kinda repetitive, and I don't want to bore you guys to death XD Also, I replaced Greninja's "Cut" move as shown in the anime with Night Slash, as it fit the Pokémon better. Plz don't kill me...or throw buses at me...or anything of the sort...plz? >.<)

Ash's POV

"Greninja, dodge Luxray's wild charge and use Night Slash!" yelled the raven-haired trainer as Clemont's Luxray charged towards Greninja, using the powerful electric-type move. Greninja quickly stepped to the side and closely dodged his opponent's move without effort. "Quick, Luxray, use thunder fang!" Clemont commanded, trying to counter the attack. Greninja then sprinted behind Luxray, forming two glowing purple blades in his hands, and rushed straight towards his opponent in a speed so quick that he was almost invisible. The two Pokémon then collided together, causing a massive ball of dust as their attacks landed. As the smoke and dust cleared up, it revealed Greninja standing tall, but with scratches and bruises on his body. On the other side of the battlefield revealed Luxray, kneeling close to the ground in exhaustion.

"Luxray, can you continue on?" asked Clemont, worried about his Pokémon.


"Alright, Luxray, use thunder fang one more time!" commanded Clemont with assurance.

"Okay Greninja, let's finish this together!" said Ash as he and Greninja looked at each other, both with eyes of determination. A veil of water suddenly covered Greninja, transforming it into none other than Ash-Greninja in the process. The remaining amounts of water than converged to form one single, but large blue shuriken on his back.

"Now, use double team to dodge Luxray's attack! Then follow it up with water shuriken!" yelled the raven-haired boy with persistence.

Greninja abruptly created dozens of clones of himself, thoroughly confusing his opponent. Not knowing who to attack, Luxray used his electric-type move on the closest few Greninjas, but to no avail. The clones of Ash-Greninja had just simply vanished.

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