✦8. A Star

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Early publish, YAYYY!

Read on!




Thunder boomed ahead as stormy clouds began to cover the sky like a blanket.

Below was a young boy desperately riding a bike, carrying a very weak Pikachu in its basket.


"Just hang on now Pikachu, we're almost there!" yelled the boy in determination, who shifted his gaze from his debilitated Pokémon partner back to the road.

Raindrops began to litter the field, increasing in size as every drop falls and hits the ground, slowly soaking up the young trainer's clothes.

Silhouettes of many Spearow slowly appeared behind the bicycle, ever so slightly catching up to the trainer and his Pikachu.

Lightning struck the ground in the distance and thunder boomed overhead.

The angry Spearow reached the bike and began to attack the young boy.

Young Ash groaned in pain, still attempting to flee and save Pikachu from his attackers.

They rode off a ledge and the bike toppled over, knocking down both the raven-haired boy and his injured Pikachu.

Ash once again moaned in pain from the fall.

Lightning struck and thunder boomed ahead.

He shifted his gaze towards Pikachu, who was now also lying on the ground with his lifeforce ever so slowly seeping out of his frail, yellow body.

"Pikachu!" the raven-haired boy shouted, getting to his knees in pain and crawling over to his new Pokémon partner. He gently rested the palm of his hand on Pikachu's body.


"Pikachu...this can't happen..." Ash said, tears forming in his eyes as he tried to force the dark thoughts out of his head.

Behind them were the group of Spearow, still wanting revenge on the two partners. They were approaching the two with as much anger as ever.

Lightning struck behind the group, and thunder cracked overhead.

Ash pulled out a tiny Pokéball and faced it towards his injured and frail partner.

"Pikachu, get inside," Ash said pressing a button, making the small Pokéball return to its normal size.

"Chu...?" Pikachu cried, widening his eyes, seeing that Ash really cared for him.

Ash continued, attempting to persuade his partner to safely get inside of the Pokéball.

"I know you're afraid of going in there, but if you're inside, maybe I could save you. Please Pikachu, please listen to me and go inside. After that then...after that-Just trust me!" Ash said, placing the Pokéball beside Pikachu and standing up. He turned around to face the Spearow and held out his arms to get their attention and protect his partner.

"Spearow! Do you know who I am? I am Ash, from the town of Pallet. I am destined to become the world's number one Pokémon master! I can't be defeated by the likes of you!"

Pikachu once again widened his eyes to another show of care by his new trainer. 

He slowly began to get back up.

Ash continued his speech.

"I'm going to capture and defeat you all! You hear me?!" he quickly glanced back to his electric mouse partner.

✧ The Light of My Life ༻ SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now