✦7. Forgotten

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"You wouldn't dare hurt Pikachu." replied Professor Sycamore, furious.

"Just try me," smirked Meowth as his claws began to glow white. But before Meowth could get to Pikachu, a tremendous explosion blew into the room.

A man wearing penny brown loafers accompanied by a teenage boy with a black jacket and a light-blue scarf rushed into the room.

"This is the International Police! Who are you criminals?!" yelled the man.

"Do you know who we are?!" shouted Meowth.

"Prepare for trouble, we aren't just criminals." said Jessie, pulling out a Pokéball with a smile.

"And make it double, we're also cynical," smirked James, also pulling out a Pokéball.

"To protect the world from devastat-"

"Charizard, Blast Burn!" yelled the boy.

A trail of bright light and flames rushed towards the group until it finally erupted in a huge explosion beneath their feet. Smoke suddenly billowed around the room from the explosion. The Team Rocket gang's voices could be heard as they were launched out of the building by Charizard's powerful fire-type move.

"We didn't even finish our motto,"

"Forget about that, look at my hair! My beautiful hair!"

"We're blasting off again!"


The gang vanished into the sky with a sparkle.

Some Moments Later...

"Professor Sycamore, are you alright?" asked the trainer, untying the Professor.

"Of course! It's quite marvelous how you two arrived just in time! Thank you, Alain, and what was your name?" asked the Professor, glancing at his other savior with a questioning look.

"You can call me Looker."

"Ah. Looker. Thank you too, sir. Alright, let's free Pikachu and get out of this awful place." The group turned around to see an empty glass case, with Pikachu nowhere to be found.

"Not good..." sighed Looker, who began to exit the building in search of the electric mouse Pokémon.


Ash's POV

After leaving the hospital, I decide to head out to Professor Sycamore's lab to get some rest and see Pikachu. 

Though what I found there brought up quite a few questions inside my head.

The doors were thrown into bits on the ground as if something or someone used brute force to get inside the lab.

I quickly sprint inside to see if everyone is alright.

No one was there.


I begin to call out for Pikachu and the Professor.


Hmm... Where could they have gone? And why are the doors broken?

An idea flashed in my mind.


Dedenne can detect Pikachu's electricity, right? So I could use his help to find Pikachu! I'm smart!  I think with a smile.

I turn around and quickly run back towards Prism Tower.

But before I was even halfway, I felt a familiar strong jolt of electricity on my side, forcing me to collapse on the ground.

Pain shudders through my spine and up to my head. I slowly recover and get back up, only to have another bolt of energy strike me once more. I turn my head to see Pikachu, but something was...off.

Pikachu was standing there, glaring at me with pained and bloodshot eyes, as if he was suffering.

A man with orange spiked hair was standing behind him, with a smirk on his face.


"Lysandre! What are you doing here?! What have you done to Pikachu!" I shout in anger, quickly getting back up to my feet.

He nods at Pikachu, and once again, my partner sends a thunderbolt at me.

I withstand it, slowly trudging toward him in pain. 

He doesn't stop.

I finally reach Pikachu, and rest my hand on his head, groaning in pain from the constant intense shocks of electricity.

"P-Pikachu...please...It's me A-Ash! Don't you remember me?! Pikachu!!!" I plead, trying my best to hold back my tears.

Pikachu does not stop or even hesitate.

I knew it was over.

I've lost Pikachu to Lysandre...forever.

I put my arms around him and hug him tightly, knowing that this was going to be the last time I'm ever going to see him again.

"P-Pikachu, don't ever leave me again..."

As I black out, I see a star.

End of "Forgotten"



I ran out of ideas XD

Sorry for the crappy chapter. I wasn't in the mood when I was writing this.

Hope I'll be in a better mood when I write the next chapter XD

Oh, and don't forget to check out the preview of my next project, "Ever So Graceful" which will be continued in June, once this book is over.

Oh, and don't forget to check out the preview of my next project, "Ever So Graceful" which will be continued in June, once this book is over

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