✦6. Trouble

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"Pikapi? Pikachu..." cried a yellow mouse Pokémon within the confines of a cramped glass container. A fit of laughter broke out as Pikachu saw the silhouettes of a man, a woman, and a Meowth.

"I can't believe after all this time, we actually caught the Twerp's Pikachu! We'll be getting a promotion from the boss for sure!" said the Meowth.

Infuriated, Pikachu unleashed a bolt of electricity in an attempt to break open the case and free himself.

But to no avail.

"Nice try, Pikachu! We already ran tests of all your moves on this glass case, and it withstood all of them. You shouldn't waste all your energy before you see the boss." retorted Meowth.

Pikachu's tail suddenly glowed gray, and he released a fury of Iron Tail on the glass.

But to no avail.

All the commotion woke up a man tied up in the corner of the room.

"W-Where am I? What is this place?" the man shifted his gaze to the trio in the center of the room. "Team Rocket?! You thieves again?!" he tried to stand up but was tightly held back by the strong rope.

"Professor Sycamore, forgive our intrusion, but we needed Pikachu and your knowledge on mega evolution. We kindly ask for your cooperation," said James with a smile.

"Of course not! I'll never do anything to help criminals!" retorted the Professor, struggling to try and free himself.

"If you refuse to help us, then we will find other ways to persuade you..." said Meowth with a smirk as he looked over to Pikachu with a mischievous look and sharpened his claws.

"Pika-pi..." said Pikachu, worriedly thinking about where his raven-haired trainer is.


Ash's POV

After a couple hours at the park, Serena and I decided to go back to the hospital, since I remembered that I took her outside without checking out.

I thought I was in no trouble until I caught a doctor's attention, carrying Serena inside the hospital on my back.

"Ash Ketchum! What were you thinking? Taking a patient outside without even asking to do so?" the doctor scorned.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to take Serena and run off like that!" I apologized to the doctor with as much sincerity as I could.

It worked.

The doctor relieved his expression.

"Alright, son. Just don't do it again, okay? You scared the living daylights out of the hospital staff and me."

"You got it, sir!" I gave him a salute and carried Serena back to her hospital room. After walking inside, I gently placed her on the bed and sat beside her.

"...Thank you, Ash. You reminded me never to give up..." Serena said as looked into my eyes.

"No prob! I would do anything for my friends!" I said with a smile.

"Ash...there's something I need to tell you. I've been wanting to tell you this since the day we met again..."

"What is it, Serena?" I asked, starting to get a bit nervous.

I noticed that we were beginning to scoot closer to each other. I shifted my gaze back to her beautiful, sparkling ocean-blue eyes and I couldn't help but inch my face closer to her's.

Our faces are almost a centimeter away.

Is this really happening?! I can't believe it.

Our lips were about to touch when a nurse's voice interrupted through the intercom.

"All visitors, it's time to leave the hospital. The patients will need to get some rest."

I was...disappointed, to say the least.

"S-Sorry, Serena! I'll s-see you tomorrow, kay?" I said, scratching my cheek to cover the intense blush on my face.

"O-Okay!" she said, and I quickly got out of the room.

After exiting the hospital, I rested my back on a tree and sighed.

Do I really feel that way about her..?

I mean, I get Butterfrees in my stomach every time I see her...

I guess I do love her.



SO many events happened in this chapter 😂

School is killing me right now. I had to write an entire essay in one night.

Once again I am deeply sorry for the short chapters. 😭

This book is going to be pretty short since I'm writing it for practice.

But don't worry! I already have another amazing Amourshipping story in mind! 😉

But don't worry! I already have another amazing Amourshipping story in mind! 😉

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