An Alternate Ending

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(You can go ahead and play the song above if you want while reading, the anime is so sad ;-;)

This was originally the intended ending of this book, but was scratched because it was simply too sad.

This was originally the intended ending of this book, but was scratched because it was simply too sad

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Alternate Ending

I hate being in hospitals.

It pains me because this is the place where I will lose her.

Serena was sent to the hospital several months ago, and she's been getting worse and worse ever since.

She received surgery a couple weeks ago, and that's when it all went downhill.

It was only yesterday when she stopped taking in food and water that the doctors said she had a day left to live.

I promised her that I would be with her for the final moments of her life.

I hate being in hospitals.

She held on to my hand tightly during her final breaths.

"Ash..." she says weakly.

"Serena, please don't go. I can't lose another..." I say, tears running down my cheeks.

She releases one of her hands and wipes off a tear on my cheek.

"Ash, please... don't cry..." she says, using her last drops of strength to speak.

"Serena..." I get cut off, feeling more tears run down my cheeks.

She smiles weakly.

"If I'm going to die, please don't cry. Look up to the sky, and whisper a goodbye," she says, wiping more of my tears off my face.

"P-Please don't leave me..."

She slowly closes her eyes.


She turns her head and locks her fading cerulean eyes onto mine for one last time.

"I'll be with you, Ash. I always will,"

She takes a pained breath of air.

"...When you feel alone, reach deep inside of your heart and remember...remember that I'm always with you. After all, you are the light of my life."

✧ The Light of My Life ༻ SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now