✦4. Scarred

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"Serena? Can you hear me?! Please wake up!" Ash had tears in his eyes as he carried the almost lifeless body of Serena Yvonne out of the burning building.

"Pika-pi..?" asked Pikachu, glancing at the unconscious girl and looking at his trainer's eyes in complete worry.

"She'll be okay, Pikachu. She has to..." 

Ash's entire body was stinging from all the embers that landed on him while he was inside. He didn't care about them; all he wanted at this moment was to know that the unconscious girl in his arms would be OK.

"Hey! Over here! Gently place her on this stretcher, if you'd please." said a first responder, signaling Ash towards the back of an ambulance.

"Is she going to be alright?" asked Ash, feeling hot tears in his eyes as he gently placed her down on the stretcher.

"We'll get a better answer once she's in the hospital, but I'm sure that she'll be fine." the paramedic said, feeling Serena's pulse with his finger. "For now, get yourself cleaned up. See the man next to the fire engine, he'll be able to patch you up." 

"Okay..." Ash said, slowly trudging towards the fire truck before collapsing on the ground from exhaustion.


30 Minutes Earlier...

Looker's POV

A building on the edge of Lumiose City was surrounded by law enforcement vehicles and officers. Agent Looker was at the front line with a high-ranking officer with a megaphone in his hands. As the captain raised the megaphone to his mouth, Looker began to walk close to the building, sneaking behind it and entering through a side vent.

"This is the Lumiose City police! You are surrounded! Come out with your hands up! We will give you up to a minute to exit the building with your hands up, otherwise, we will enter using force!"

As the voice of the captain blared throughout the building, Looker found his way inside the main room of the building, filled with people in identical red uniforms and red hair.

Looker used the cover of the shadows to sneak behind all of the uniformed personnel. He suddenly spotted a symbol painted on the wall that he thought he would never see again.


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Team Flare? I thought they were disbanded?  thought Looker, shocked as a man wearing a different uniform with cyan spiked hair walked into the center of the room, carrying the Red Orb. 

✧ The Light of My Life ༻ SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now