✦2. Reunions

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YAY, early publish!!!

*BTW- Ash and Serena don't meet in this chapter yet, though it's still a reunion, I guess xD Read the chapter. It'll all make sense. xD

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Serena's POV

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"Wake up, Serena! Your plane to Kalos will arrive in a few hours!" a voice called, waking up a certain honey-blonde girl from her sleep.

Serena slowly rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and stretched.

"O-Okay..." She said, getting up and opening her window's shutters to see the bright sunlight.

She yawned and waved to the Pidgey flying by.

After few moments, Serena headed towards the bathroom and got cleaned up.

Sometime later, she came out wearing a set of clothes that she had not worn ever since she arrived in Hoenn.

"Serena, the shuttle to the airport should be here in about half an hour," came Palermo's voice from downstairs.

"Okay!" Serena replied, looking towards her clamped fist. 

She opened it up to reveal a certain special blue ribbon, a memory that she'll remember for the rest of her life.

Ash, I hope you're alright... Serena thought with a sad smile as she tied her precious ribbon to her shirt.

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Ash's POV

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Where should we go now..? I'm so lost...  The trainer thought, conflicted as he and his partner Pikachu were enjoying some ice cream.

"Pika-pi?" The electric mouse Pokémon asked, worried about his trainer. 

Ash hadn't even started on his ice cream cone, while Pikachu was already halfway done with his cone.

This was very strange for the usually energetic trainer.

"O-Oh yeah, I'm fine! Sorry to make you worry, buddy! I was just thinking about something..." Ash said, scratching the back of his head. 

He then proceeded to stuff himself with his ice cream cone while Pikachu sweatdropped.

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Sometime Later...

**Edit 4/11/18

(Looking back at this, I used a TON of time skips XD I was such a lazy writer)

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"That ice cream was delicious!" Ash sighed as he patted his stomach.

Suddenly, a flight attendant's voice rang through the speakers of the airport. 

"Dragonite Airlines flight K62 to Kalos is now boarding at Gate A2."

Kalos huh..?  The raven-haired trainer pondered on the idea of returning to one of the coolest regions he'd ever visited.

"Hey Pikachu, wanna come back to Kalos and see our old friends?"

"Pika-pi!" The electric mouse Pokémon piped, hopping onto his trainer's shoulder in excitement.

✧ The Light of My Life ༻ SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now