X: Going Back

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X: Going Back

“Oh my gosh, Abby. Time flies by so fast!” Aunt Tessa exclaimed.

After I came home with Dylan, we announced to our aunts that we were dating. They squealed with delight and said that it was a good idea for us to go to the beach alone, although hooking us up wasn’t the initial plan. Sure it wasn’t, I thought. To this day, I still feel like our aunts set us up, planning to pull us together. Not that I’m complaining though.

“I know, Aunt Tessa. I’ll miss you,” I replied.

“I’ll miss you more!”Aunt Tessa insisted.

“It was nice meeting you, Abby,” Elaine said from behind me. I turned around and engulfed her into a hug. “Take care of Dylan for me, will ya?” I giggled and laughed at a flushed Dylan.

“Aunt Elaine!” Dylan shrieked. “I can take care of myself!”

“Sure you can sweetie. That’s why I had to do your laundry the whole time here.”

“Aunt Elaine!” Dylan shrieked, his face beet red. I giggled and hooked my arm with Dylan’s.

“We’ll get going now! Bye Aunt Tessa! Bye Elaine! I had a great summer.”

“Bye!” they both shouted in unison as we boarded the car.

We decided to drive back to Massachusetts in a rented car. Aunt Tessa didn’t think I should waste my money on another plane ticket and Elaine didn’t feel like driving Dylan back, only to drive back to Philadelphia herself. We found a company that rented cars and allowed us to drop the car off in Massachusetts when we were done with it. They didn’t charge that much and we split the costs.

Bzzzt! My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I reached for it before I entered the car.

Sorry I couldn’t see you off. It was really nice meeting you here in Philly and it’s so sad to see you go :( I had some stuff to take care of so I can’t be there for you. Don’t miss me too much. xo Jeremy.”

“What kind of guy ends his texts with ‘xo Jeremy’?” Dylan said from behind me.

“Cool guys,” I answered, smirking. Dylan rolled his eyes and I chuckled. “He’s just a friend, Dyl.”

“I know. I just don’t my girl talking to other guys, okay?”

“So I can’t talk to my dad?”

“That’s different.” We laughed and entered the car as our aunts cooed at our little conversation.

“What station?” Dylan asked as we were stuck in traffic again.

“Whatever you want,” I said. I felt nostalgic as I was reminded of my first kiss that took place in a situation similar to the situation I was currently in. It all started with a radio station… that could be a good book title for my autobiography.

You’re gonna hear me roar.

“Oh I love this song,” Dylan stated. “Brings back some nice memories,” he said, referring to our accidental first kiss in the car. “Would be great if I could somehow relive that memory, though …” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and I flushed a beetroot color. He laughed at my embarrassment and moved the car slightly forward. The song continued playing and we listened silently. I was getting somewhat uncomfortable at listening to the song and decided to reach for the button to change the station. When I turned however, my lips smashed into Dylan’s. I flushed a darker red and started to pull away, except Dylan put his hand at the back of my head, pushing me forward against him.

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