XIV: The Game

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Nat Wolff as Gabriel on the right! 


“Let’s go Wildcats! Wild! Cats! Let’s go!”

I groaned as I listened to the peppy voices of Maggie and her cheerleader accomplices.

“Let’s go Wildcats! Wild! Cats! Let’s go!”

Eventually they stopped cheering but the verse continued to replay again and again in my head.

Let’s go Wildcats! Wild! Cats! Let’s go!

Let’s go Wildcats! Wild! Cats! Let’s go!

Might as well join the cheerleading team now: I know all the cheers already.

I continued watching the game and managed to somewhat understand the game. If a player from either side makes it to the other end of the field while holding the ball, it is a touchdown and adds points to their score. Team with the highest score in the end wins of course.

I managed to make out Dylan’s silhouette from the rest of the players. They all had the same body size. The only difference was that I could recognize Dylan’s soft hair on top of his head- STOP IT, ABBY. OH MY GOD.

 I continued staring at Dylan and what plays he would make. From what he’s told my dad before, he was the quarterback. At the time, I didn’t know what that was but now I think I do. The quarterback is apparently the one who gets hurt the most. I winced in pain as Dylan was tackled to the ground. When the coast was cleared, Dylan stood up and waved to the crowd to ensure that he was okay. He caught my eye and smiled. I tried my best to look away and break eye contact but my body was telling me no.

“Hey,” a voice said from beside me.

“Hi?” I said questioningly as I looked the figure over. He was a boy about my age, probably in the same grade I was in. “Can I help you?”

“Having fun?” he asked.

“A blast,” I said flatly.

“Same here. Can’t you just hear the enthusiasium in my voice?” he said in the same flat manner that I did. I laughed and he joined in. “I’m Gabriel.”


“Whoa! Like Abigail Adams?”

“More like Abigail Ryan,” I said correcting him. “So since you’re obviously so excited to be here, what’s your reason for coming?”

“No reason,” he said shrugging.

“Come on, everyone has a reason,” I insisted.

“Oh yeah? What’s your reason for coming to this fantastic game?”

“School. Spirit.” He burst out laughing and clutched his stomach. I landed myself in a fit of giggles as well. The both of us attracted unwanted attention from others. By the time we calmed down, the onlookers have resumed watching the game.

“No seriously. Why are you here?”

“I told you: School spirit.”

“Oh my god. I like you. Let’s be friends.”

“What is this? Kindergarten?”

“What? You don’t want to be friends? If you don’t I’ll just-”

“Let’s be friends,” I added quickly before he changed his mind. I guess you could say I was a bit too desperate but what could I say. I always disliked the idea of spilling secrets to a girl friend, only to let her gossip about me to the rest of the school. This was great: he was a guy so he wouldn’t necessarily gossip, and he didn’t care about what people thought at all. I could tell this was the creation of a great, new friendship. Possibly better than the friendship I had with Dylan- STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM. UGH!

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